Emergencies can happen to anyone. When an ambulance approaches, drivers must react immediately by pulling over and stopping.
[생글기자 코너] What To Do When an Ambulance Approaches
The Netflix drama ‘The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call’ has gained popularity for its realistic portrayal of emergency situations. However, getting an ambulance to transport a patient swiftly is far more complicated than it seems.

Not long ago, I witnessed an accident at an eight-lane intersection where an ambulance, sirens blaring, collided with a car driving straight through. Ambulance-related accidents in South Korea rose from 141 in 2021 to 321 in 2022, with over half occurring at intersections. These crashes delay emergency care and put more lives at risk.

In Japan, ambulances announce their intended direction with messages like “turning right” or “going straight.” In the U.S., drivers are required to move to the shoulder and stop when an ambulance approaches. In South Korea, however, sirens and flashing lights are often the only signals, leaving drivers uncertain about how to react.

To address this, two improvements should be made. First, ambulances should adopt an audio guidance system to inform drivers of their movements, similar to Japan’s approach. Second, driver education on emergency vehicle protocols must be reinforced. Emergencies can happen to anyone. When an ambulance approaches, drivers must react immediately by pulling over and stopping. At intersections, they should avoid entering, and on narrow roads, they must cooperate to clear a path. A small act of awareness and courtesy could ultimately save a life.

이동훈 생글기자(Seoul Scholars International 11학년)