even in the darkest hours, thanking and helping others should continue. As the soldiers of 1914 found peace amidst war, let us strive to bring moments of kindness and unity to our world.
![[생글기자 코너] The 1914 Christmas Truce and Its Message for Today](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/202412/AA.38931321.1.jpg)
It started with the German soldiers singing Silent Night in their trenches. At first, the British soldiers on the other side were confused; however, as the song echoed through the dark, they slowly began to sing their own carols in response.
And then, something even more remarkable occurred. A few brave soldiers cautiously climbed out of their trenches, their rifles slung over their shoulders. To their astonishment, soldiers on the opposing side did the same.
What followed was a Christmas truce. Men who had been fighting each other just hours before now exchanged gifts-chocolates, tobacco, and even buttons from their uniforms.
Although the truce ended with the passing of Christmas, its memory endured as a reminder of the peace that can exist, even in the harshest times.
2024, for some people, might have been a tough year, with ongoing war in Ukraine and the Middle East. Nevertheless, even in the darkest hours, thanking and helping others should continue. As the soldiers of 1914 found peace amidst war, let us strive to bring moments of kindness and unity to our world.
이동훈 생글기자(Seoul Scholars International 11학년)