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200여명 석·박사급 평가단…공정성·신뢰성 국내 최고
제1회 시험 4월 6일…3월 27일까지 접수
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![[영어 쓰기 능력 검정시험] 내 영어 쓰기 실력 얼마나 될까?…한경 '토씨'에게 물어봐!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/201302/2013022848251_2013030412731.jpg)
한경 토씨는 이길영 한국외국어대 교수 등 한국응용언어학회 교수들을 비롯 영어교육업체 엔코렉션과 학술영어논문 교정업체인 하리스코가 참여하고 있다.
국내에서 학술영어논문을 교정하는 해외 유명대학 출신 석·박사 연구원과 국외 제휴 연구소 인력을 포함해 200여명으로 평가단을 구성했다. 평가는 △형식 △내용 △종합 평가 등 3개 부문 11개 항목으로 세분화해 실시한다. 프로그램을 통한 기계적인 채점 대신 외국 유명 대학 출신 석·박사급 평가위원들이 측정영역별 기준에 맞춰 직접 채점한다. 자신이 제출한 답안에 평가위원들의 영어 첨삭도 받아볼 수 있다.
![[영어 쓰기 능력 검정시험] 내 영어 쓰기 실력 얼마나 될까?…한경 '토씨'에게 물어봐!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/201302/2013022848251_2013030412751.jpg)
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현재 원서 접수를 하고 있으며 마감은 3월27일(수)이다. 응시료는 5만원이며 첨삭료는 등급에 따라 추가로 2만5000~3만5000원이다. 자세한 내용은 ‘한경 토씨’ 홈페이지(www.Toewc.or.kr)를 참고하면 된다. 문의 (02)557-1702
한경 토씨(TOEWC)영어논술시험(3급) 예시 문제
유의 사항
1. 시험시간은 100분임.
2. 답안은 문제의 번호를 쓰고 순서대로 작성할 것.
3. 반드시 흑색 볼펜(연필 제외)으로 작성할 것.
4. 답안지는 1매만 주어짐.
5. 제시문의 문장을 그대로 옮겨 쓰지 말 것.
◆Read the following passage, and answer the given questions.
Title : Science outside the science lab
We tend to have blind faith in science. We accept only those facts proven through experiments as scientific facts or believe science belongs only to scientists. Sometimes, we believe that only something scientific can be true. But such ideas come from misunderstanding the concept of science. Truth can be discovered and knowledge can be systematized without experimentation. Truth does not necessarily come out of a lab.
The dictionary definition of science is systematic knowledge for the purpose of discovering common truth or rules. And ‘scientific’ refers to accuracy or rationality based on science. In short, systemization and rationality are the basis of science. Knowledge gained through experience or reasoning which is also logical and systematic can be science even without experimentation, provided that the knowledge is systematic.
For instance, there is a conflict between Western and Eastern medicine in our society. People in Western medicine who dominate the medical community insist that Eastern medicine is not a field of medical science (in other words, science) on the grounds that it is not scientific. In their view, Eastern medicine is not scientific because it is not based on specific clinical tests and is just a method of treatment based on thousands of years of experience. But we need to revisit the concept of ‘science’. The essence of ‘science’ lies in systemization and rationality. Knowledge in Eastern medicine was systematized through experiences and validated over thousands of years. This belief in Western medicine that Eastern medicine is not science just because of its different methods of diagnosis or treatment cannot escape the charges that it has narrowly defined the meaning of science out of ignorance or intentionally.
The humanities including social sciences, history, literature, the arts, and language stand opposite to the natural sciences, which attempt to discover nature‘s laws. But the humanities are now sometimes referred to as human sciences. The humanities are usually examined through the process of reasoning. Thus, it may seem inappropriate to call the humanities human sciences. Then, why are the humanities called a field of science? It is because the humanities systematize the knowledge about a subject through the process of reasoning including observation and data analysis and interpretation. Furthermore, the resulting data have been verified through various methods. The humanities seek the systemization and rationality of knowledge that ’science‘ must have through study methods that are different from those of the natural sciences. Thus, the humanities are also a science.
[Question 1] Write a topic sentence for the above passage and summarize its supporting ideas.
(Maximum 150 words)
[Question 2] Home remedies are hardly scientific according to the passage above. Explain why.
(Maximum 200 words)