Patriotism is not the fear of something, it is the love of something.

⊙ 연설 배경

[영어로 읽는 세기의 名연설] <28> 아들라이 스티븐슨 美재향군인협회 총회 연설 (上)
1952년 미국 대통령 선거는 애국심 선거였다.

미국에서 스파이에 의해 유출된 비밀자료에 기초해 있었다.

이에 더해 북한 남침으로 한국전쟁은 발발했다.

미국인들이 미국의 힘과 도덕적 우위에 비추어 무엇이 이런 실패를 자초했는가에 마땅한 해답을 찾지 못하고 있을 때 매카시즘이 등장했다.

이런 분위기속에 치러진 선거전에서 스티븐슨은 그의 대통령 후보 지명 연설처럼 미국민들에게 양식을 불어넣고자 했다.

이 연설은 그가 본격적으로 선거전에 돌입하기 직전인 1952년 8월27일 스티븐슨이 뉴욕에서 개최된 미국 재향군인협회 총회에서 재향군인 모자를 쓰고 행한 것이다.

⊙ 아들라이 스티븐슨

1900년 미국 LA 에서 출생했다. 미국 정치가 겸 외교가.

1952년 미 대선에서 민주당 대통령 후보가 됐다. 미국 유엔 대사를 역임했다.

⊙ 원문 읽기

I have no claim,as many of you do,to the honored title of old soldier.

Nor have I risen to high rank in the armed services.

The fact that a great General and I are competing candidates for the Presidency will not diminish my warm respect for his military achievements.

Nor will that respect keep me from using every honest effort to defeat him in November!

My own military career was brief.

It was also lowly.

An apprentice seaman in a naval training unit was not,as some of you may also recall,exactly a powerful command position in World War One.

My experience thus provided me with a very special view.

what could be called a worm's-eye view of the service.

In 1918 I doubt if there was anything more wormlike than an apprentice seaman.

I must add,though,that from a very topside job in the Navy Department during the frenzy of the last war I sometimes had nostalgic recollections of apprentice seamanship when someone else had to make all the decisions.

After the first war,many Americans lost sight of the fact that only the strong can be free.

Many mistook an ominous lull for permanent peace.

In those days the American Legion knew,however,that he who is not prepared today is less so tomorrow,and that only a society which could fight for survival would survive.

The Legion's fight to awaken America to the need for military preparedness is now largely won.

We have made great advances in understanding the problem of national security in the modern world.

We no longer think in terms of American resources alone.For the most part,we now understand the need for a great international system of security,and we have taken the lead in building it.

We have joined our strength with that of others.and we have done so in self-protection.

We seek no ①dominion over any other nation. and the whole free world knows it!

If there are those behind the Iron Curtain who don't know it,it is because their masters don't want them to know it.

I am not sure that,historically,there has been another powerful nation that has been trusted as the United States is trusted today.

It is something new under the sun when the proudest nations on earth have not only accepted American leadership in the common defense effort,but have also welcomed our troops and bases on their territory.

Ports the world around are open to American warships by day or night.

Our airmen are stationed in the most distant lands.

Yet all is not perfect.

There are still vital interests which we and our allies are not militarily prepared to defend.

Some of us are reluctant to admit that security cannot be won cheaply by some clever diplomatic maneuver or by propaganda.

We have not yet really faced up to the problem of defending our cities against the rapidly growing threat of Soviet air power.

There is,for example,a great shortage of volunteers for our civil defense ground observation corps.

And many only partly understand or are ②loath to acknowledge that the costs of waging the cold war are but a fraction of the costs of hot war.

So there remain important tasks for us.I believe in a strong national defense,and I believe that we must press forward to improve our position and not waver or hesitate in this interval when the scales are so precariously balanced.

While I think it is true that today the fight for preparedness is going well,there are other and even more difficult tasks that we dare not neglect.

The United States has very large power in the world today.

And the partner of power.

the ③corollary is responsibility.It is our high task to use our power with a sure hand and a steady touch. with the self-restraint that goes with confident strength.

The purpose of our power must never be lost in the fact of our power.and the purpose,I take it,is the promotion of freedom,justice and peace in the world.

We talk a great deal about patriotism.

What do we mean by patriotism in the context of our times?

I venture to suggest that what we mean is a sense of national responsibility which will enable America to remain master of her power. to walk with it in serenity and wisdom,with self-respect and the respect to all mankind: a patriotism that puts country ahead of self: a patriotism which is not short,frenzied outbursts of emotion,but the ④tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.

The dedication of a lifetime.

These are words that are easy to utter,but this is a mighty assignment.

For it is often easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.

Patriotism,I have said,means putting country before self.

This is no abstract phrase,and unhappily,we find some things in American life today of which we cannot be proud.

Consider the groups who seek to identify their special interests with the general welfare.

I find it sobering to think that their pressures might one day be focused on me.

I have resisted them before and I hope the Almighty will give me the strength to do so again and again.

Words & Idioms

① dominion : 주권, 영역

② loath : 싫어하는, 꺼림찍한

③ corollary : 당연한 결과

④ tranquil : 조용한, 고요한