1. easy, hard, difficult 뒤에는 to 부정사를 진주어로 사용하며,that 절이나 동명사는 올 수 없다.
2. (im)possible, necessary, convenient 뒤에는 to 부정사와 that 절이 모두 진주어로 올 수 있다.
3. easy, hard, difficult 같은 형용사들도 사람을 주어로 쓸 수 있다.
부정사 뒤에 타동사나 전치사의 목적어가 빠지고 주어가 목적어 기능을 하는 경우가 이에 해당된다.
1. It is easy for kids to admire professional athletes who stand out in their sport.
It is hard for drivers to stop quickly on wet roads.
It can be difficult even for doctors to distinguish between the two disorders.
2. It is necessary that you read a newspaper everyday.
=It is necessary for you to read a newspaper everyday.
It was impossible that he had learned English by himself.
=It was impossible for him to have learned English by himself.
3. The new boss is difficult to work for: he is so demanding.
(to 이하의 문장에 work for의 전치사 for의 목적어가 빠져 있고 주어인 boss가 목적어 역할을 하고 있다.)
=It is difficult to work for the new boss: he is so demanding.
♣'It∼형용사 + of 목적어 + to 부정사' 구문에서 사용되는 형용사에 주의하라.
bad, clever, cruel, foolish, friendly, good, kind, nice, rude, stupid, wise와 같이 사람의 성격을 나타내는 형용사가 쓰일 때, to 부정사의 의미상 주어는 'for+목적격'이 아닌 'of+목적격' 형태가 쓰인다.
이때 to 부정사는 '~하다니'로 해석하면 무난하다.
1. It is very kind of you to take the time to explain details to us.
2. I think it was rude of him not to take his parents' feelings into account.
3. It was stupid of the player to make such a remark to his opponent.
♣Check it out
다음 문장에서 어법상 어색한 부분을 찾아 바로잡아라.
1. An Arabic student is hard to pronounce a word like 'pears'.
2. It is not difficult that a hacker gets access to your system even if you use a hashed password.
3. It's impossible learning good habits and unlearning bad ones no matter how deep seated they may be.
4. The tourists were all very exhausted and thirsty, so it was thoughtful for her to offer them drink and food.
1. An Arabic student is hard to pronounce
→ It is hard for an Arabic student to pronounce
2. It is not difficult that a hacker gets access to your system
→ It is not difficult for a hacker to get access to your system