많이 쓰이는 관용용법이야! 예문과 함께 외워두자

♣관용 용법들

준동사에서 많이 쓰이는 관용 용법들을 정리해 보자. 비단 어법, 독해뿐 아니라 일상 회화에서도 빈번히 쓰이는 중요한 표현들이니 가능하면 예문과 함께 암기하자.

1. 동명사의 관용 용법

·There is no v-ing

∼하지 않을 수 없다

·It is no use v-ing

∼해 봐야 소용없다

·feel like v-ing

∼하고 싶은 생각이 들다

·cannot help v-ing

∼하는 것을 피할 수 없다

·have difficulty (in) v-ing

∼하는 데 어려움을 겪다

·be worth v-ing

∼할 가치가 있다

·far from v-ing

결코 ∼하지 않는다, ∼하기는커녕

·On v-ing



·There is no denying the effect of my good looks.As I walk by,men turn and react appreciatively.

·It is no use crying over spilt milk.

·Neither of them felt like going back to sleep.

·I couldn't help being deeply impressed by his speech.

·Most graduates have difficulty getting a first job.

·He's decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth buying.

·Because he is far from doing anything skillfully,I doubt him when he says he can do it.

·On his opening the front box,two dogs on the sofa jumped from it and approached him.

2. 부정사의 관용 용법

·make it a rule to

∼하는 것을 규칙으로 삼다

=make a point of v-ing

·to begin with


·needless to say

말할 나위도 없이,물론

·to tell the truth

사실을 말하자면

·to make matters worse


·so to speak


·to make a long story short

간단히 말하자면

·not to say

∼라고 할 수는 없더라도


·I make it a rule to read one chapter of the Bible every day.

·To begin with,he doesn't have enough money to buy the land.

·It is needless to say that health is much more important than wealth.

·To tell the truth,I don't know the answer either.

·To make matters worse,it began to rain heavily.

·She is,so to speak,a feminist.

·Well,to make a long story short,we found the island and the treasure.

·He is very smart,not to say a genius.

♣Check it Out

다음 문장의 괄호 속 표현 중 어법에 맞는 것을 선택하라.

1. I don't feel like [to work/working] these days.

2. I cannot help [think/thinking] you did that on purpose.

3. Far from [show/showing] interest in other courses,he dedicated himself only to mathematics.

4. I make it a rule [to drink/drinking] some water before going to bed.


1. working 2. thinking 3. showing 4. to drink

♣English Alive

다음 에세이를 읽고 밑줄 친 준동사의 관용표현에 유의하며 해석하라.

I changed my schedule after long speculation, so I tried to arrive early for my new math class.

When I got there, I looked into the crowded and unfamiliar room: it occurred to me that class had already started.

I sneaked into the back of the room, took out my notebook, and realized I had no idea what the teacher was talking about.

It turns out that I had arrived so early that I was sitting in the class before my own.

To make matters worse, the teacher kept gazing me during the class, so could not help trying to make myself look engrossed with something in my notebook.

Needless to say, my first week at Marist had been humorous but slightly traumatizing.


나는 오랜 숙고 끝에 내 계획을 변경해서 새로운 수학 수업시간에 일찍 도착하려고 노력했다.

내가 도착했을 때,나는 학생들이 가득 찬 낯선 교실을 보게 되었다.

나는 수업이 벌써 시작한 것으로 생각하였다.

나는 교실의 뒤쪽으로 몰래 숨어 들어가서 노트를 폈지만 선생님이 무슨 말을 하고 있는지 도무지 알지 못했다.

알고 보니 내가 너무 일찍 도착해서 내 수업시간 이전의 수업을 듣고 있는 것이었다.

설상가상으로,그 선생님은 수업시간 내내 나를 쳐다보셨기 때문에 나는 노트에 있는 무언가에 몰두하고 있는 것처럼 보이도록 노력하지 않을 수 없었다.

말할 나위도 없이,Marist에서의 나의 첫 주는 우스꽝스러웠고 한편으로는 조금 상처가 되기도 하였다.


·speculation 심사숙고
·sneak 몰래 숨어 들어가다
·gaze 응시하다,가만히 바라보다
·engrossed 열중(몰두)하고 있는
·traumatize 충격(상처)을 입히다