And so,as this century draws to a close,we are justified in concluding that international organization has helped tilt the balance toward the domain within which the power of reason prevails.
A second attribute that the project of international organization shares with science is the experimental method.
Indeed,international organization is an experiment.
It is an experiment in human cooperation on a planetary scale.
Those of us who serve in international organizations must never forget the fact that they are not an end in themselves.
They are a means to empower both governments and people to realize goals through collaboration that would otherwise elude them.
International organizations,therefore,must be closely attuned to their environment,quickly correct their mistakes,build cumulatively on their achievements,and constantly generate new modalities as previous ways of doing things become outdated.
I am very pleased,therefore,to report to you today that we at the United Nations are amidst the most thoroughgoing institutional reforms ever attempted there.
I would go a step further and express my conviction that when our reform plans are announced next month,they will compare favorably with any such reforms yet undertaken by any public sector,anywhere.
We seek a United Nations that will view change as a friend,not change for its own sake but change that permits us to do more good by doing it better.
We seek a United Nations that is leaner,more focused,more flexible,and more responsive to changing global needs.
We seek a United Nations that is organized around its core competencies vis-a-vis other international organizations and an ever-more robust global civil society.
We seek a United Nations that serves more effectively not only its Member States but also the people of the world whose hopes we embody.
In short,we at the United Nations are working hard to firm up the grounds on which the project of international organization rests.
And we are doing so by recognizing its experimental nature and embracing the imperative of inventiveness that it implies.
A third similarity between the ethos of science and the project of international organization is this; we do what we do in the realm of international organization because we strive,in our own fashion,to give expression to universal truths.
What might these be in so contested an arena as international affairs?
I believe that they include the truths of human dignity and fundamental equality,whereby a child born in the smallest village of the poorest land is valued as much as one born on Beacon Hill.
I believe they include a yearning for peace,the awareness that we are but stewards of this extraordinary only one earth,the understanding that even though the world is divided by many particularisms we are united as a human community.
This noble cause requires your help. All of you in the Class of 1997,wherever you go from here and whatever you do in the future,will participate in a world that is becoming increasingly globalized.
You will interact,directly or indirectly,with others just like you across the far reaches of the world.
They will represent colleagues,competitors,customers.
As you enter this new world,I call upon you to remember this; as powerful and as progressive a bond that market rationality constitutes,it is not a sufficient basis for human solidarity.
It must be coupled with an ethic of caring for those whom the market disadvantages,an ethic of responsibility for the collective goods that the market under produces,an ethic of tolerance for those whom the market pits as your adversary.
The United Nations has no peer in this regard.
It is the unparalleled nerve center of the global village,exploring and negotiating emerging issues,setting priorities,and creating norms of conduct.
Since the 1970s,the United Nations has been at the forefront of instituting concern with the human environment,world population,world hunger,the extension of fundamental human rights to encompass the status of women and of children,as well as sustainable development in its many facets.
We have done so through a series of global conferences that have brought together governments and non-governmental organizations from every corner of the world.
By means of this novel form of multilateral diplomacy,the universal truths of which I spoke slowly but steadily are making themselves heard.
Slowly but steadily they are stretching the "we" in "we the peoples of the United Nations," as the opening words of our Charter put it--not at the expense of you or me,of this or that country,but in fulfillment of that which we share in common.
Moreover,most of you here today are citizens of this great and bountiful United States of America.
For you I have a special plea.
Your country,the world's most powerful,even now is debating its future role in the new world community,and the place of the United Nations within that overall foreign policy vision.
I call upon you to work tirelessly to anchor the United States firmly to the course of internationalism,to its historic mission as an agent of progressive change and to a world order that reflects your country's commitment to the rule of law,equal opportunity,and the irreducible rights of all individuals.
The need is pressing: the moment is now.
Let us continue the productive partnership between the United States and the United Nations and go forward together with a positive,can-do attitude to win the peace and prosperity that beckons.
Thank you,Mr. President,honored guests--and most of all,my fellow alumni and alumnae.