교황 바오로 2세의 이스라엘 방문은 1964년 교황 바오로 6세 이후 36년 만에 이뤄진 일이었다.
예수그리스도 탄생 2000년을 기념해 이뤄진 교황의 중동 순방은 기독교의 부활절 준비기간인 사순절에 맞춰졌다.
바오로 2세는 예수 그리스도가 탄생한 베들레헴과 성장지인 나사렛 등을 순례했으며 유대교의 성지인 통곡의 벽도 방문했다.
이 연설은 그가 이스라엘을 방문한 3월 20일 역사적 성지 다드 바에서 행한 연설이다.
그는 이 연설에서 나치 독일이 자행한 유대인 대학살(홀로코스트)에 대해 당시 침묵을 지켰던 가톨릭 교회의 행동에 대해 사죄했다.
이스라엘인은 이 연설을 계기로 교황 바오로 2세를 2000년간에 걸친 유대교와 가톨릭교 간의 반목을 해소한 인물로 기억하고 있다.
⊙ 교황 요한 바오로 2세 (Joannes Paulus Ⅱ,1920.5.18~2005.4.2)
본명은 카롤 보이티야(Karol Wojtyla)이며 폴란드 바도비체에서 태어났다.
1938년 아젤로니아대학교 철학과에 입학,연극 활동을 하며 안드레아 예비엔이라는 이름으로 시 · 희곡 등을 쓰기도 하였다.
제2차 세계대전 발발로 학업을 중단하고 연극배우 생활에 전념하다가 1942년 크라코프 신학교를 졸업, 1946년에 사제(司祭)가 됐다.
크라코프대학교 신학교수 등을 거쳐,1964년 크라코프의 대주교가 되어,1967년 추기경에 임명되었다.
1978년 요한 바오로 1세가 등위 34일 만에 죽자,그 후계 교황으로 선출되었다.
바오로 6세의 교회개혁 정신을 이어받아,교회 일치 및 화해 등에 많은 관심을 갖고 활약했다.
1994년 11월 '3000년을 맞는 칙서(勅書)'를 통해 교회가 과거에 종교의 이름으로 저지른 불관용(不寬容)과 전체주의 정권에 의한 인간기본권의 유린을 묵인한 것은 잘못임을 인정했다.
이로써 요한 23세 이후 조성된 구 · 신교 일치운동에 한층 화해적인 분위기를 조성했다.
⊙ 원문 읽기
The words of the ancient ①Psalm,rise from our hearts; "I have become like a broken vessel. I hear the whispering of many - terror on every side - as they scheme together against me,as they plot to take my life. But I trust in you,O Lord; I say,'you are my God.'"
In this place of memories,the mind and heart and soul feel an extreme need for silence.
Silence in which to remember.
Silence in which to try to make some sense of the memories which come flooding back.
Silence because there are no words strong enough to deplore the terrible tragedy of the ②Shoah.
My own personal memories are of all that happened when the Nazis occupied Poland during the war.
I remember my Jewish friends and neighbours,some of whom perished,while others survived.
I have come to ③Yad Vashem to pay homage to the millions of Jewish people who,stripped of everything,especially of human dignity,were murdered in the Holocaust.
More than half a century has passed,but the memories remain.
Here,as at ④Auschwitz and many other places in Europe,we are overcome by the echo of the heart-rending laments of so many.
Men,women and children,cry out to us from the depths of the horror that they knew.
How can we fail to heed their cry?
No one can forget or ignore what happened.
No one can diminish its scale.
We wish to remember.
But we wish to remember for a purpose,namely to ensure that never again will evil prevail,as it did for the millions of innocent victims of Nazism.
How could man have such utter contempt for man?
Because he had reached the point of contempt for God.
Only a godless ideology could plan and carry out the extermination of a whole people.
The honour given to the 'Just Gentiles' by the state of Israel at Yad Vashem for having acted heroically to save Jews,sometimes to the point of giving their own lives,is a recognition that not even in the darkest hour is every light extinguished.
That is why the Psalms and the entire Bible,though well aware of the human capacity for evil,also proclaims that evil will not have the last word.
Out of the depths of pain and sorrow,the believer's heart cries out; "I trust in you,O Lord; 'I say,you are my God.'"
Jews and Christians share an immense spiritual patrimony,flowing from God's self-revelation.
Our religious teachings and our spiritual experience demand that we overcome evil with good.
We remember,but not with any desire for vengeance or as an incentive to hatred.
For us,to remember is to pray for peace and justice,and to commit ourselves to their cause.
Only a world at peace,with justice for all,can avoid repeating the mistakes and terrible crimes of the past.
As bishop of Rome and successor of the ⑤Apostle Peter,I assure the Jewish people that the Catholic Church,motivated by the Gospel law of truth and love,and by no political considerations,is deeply saddened by the hatred,acts of persecution and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews by Christians at any time and in any place.
The church rejects racism in any form as a denial of the image of the Creator inherent in every human being.
In this place of solemn remembrance,I ⑥fervently pray that our sorrow for the tragedy which the Jewish people suffered in the 20th century will lead to a new relationship between Christians and Jews.
Let us build a new future in which there will be no more anti-Jewish feeling among Christians or anti-Christian feeling among Jews,but rather the mutual respect required of those who adore the one Creator and Lord,and look to Abraham as our common father in faith.
The world must heed the warning that comes to us from the victims of the Holocaust,and from the testimony of the survivors.
Here at Yad Vashem the memory lives on,and burns itself onto our souls.
It makes us cry out; "I hear the whispering of many - terror on every side - but I trust in you,O Lord; I say,'You are my God.'"