1. 비교구문의 기본 형식 형용사[부사]+-er/-est 또는 more/most + 형용사[부사]
2. 불규칙 변화 형용사
3. 원급 비교구문 : as 원급 as
비교급 비교구문 : 비교급 than
최상급 비교구문 : the + 최상급 + of 명사구/in 명사구
1.I thought this summer was hotter than last year.
Naomi was a prettier woman than I thought.
Playing baseball is more interesting than just watching games on TV.
2.I am better at English than French.
The flood damage was worse than we had imagined.
Women are less likely to develop heart disease than men.
3.Her looks were as impressiveas her personality.
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
The most memorable moment in the history of Korean soccer is the success of World Cup 2002.
Wilt Chamberlain was the most dominant player of the sport he played.
♣비교급 수식 부사
비교급은 much, still, (by)far, even, a lot, a great deal 등으로 수식한다. 이 경우는 본래의 비교급 의미를 강조함으로 '훨씬'의 뜻을 비교급에 추가하면 된다.
특히 very나 more로는 수식하지 않는다는 사실을 기억해 두자.
1.The world has changed. It has become more complex and increasingly specialized. There is much more to know in every field.
2.It was wonderful speaking to you last night and even more wonderful to know you'll be coming here on Friday.
3.Clearly, modern societies are facing a major change into a new economic system where human resourcefulness counts far more than natural resources.
♣The + 비교급,the + 비교급
'the+비교급, the+비교급'은 '~하면 할수록 더욱 더 ~하다'는 의미를 지닌 매우 많이 쓰이는 비교급 구문이다.
이 경우 일반적 어순은 'the+비교급 표현+주어+동사'이다.
1.The process of making hanji,hand-made Korean paper,starts when the branches of a tree are cut off. The more they are beaten, the stronger they actually become.
2.The more crowded we feel,the more stressed we get.
♣원급 비교와 비교급 비교를 이용한 최상급 표현
1. 일반적인 최상급 표현
Coca-Cola is the biggest brand in the world.
2. 원급 비교 최상급 표현 : as 원급 as + any other + 비교대상
Coca-Cola is as big as any other brand in the world.
3. 비교급 비교 최상급 표현 : 비교급 + than + any other + 비교대상
Coca-Cola is bigger than any other brand in the world.
4. 부정주어 최상급 표현
No (other) brand in the world is bigger than Coca-Cola.
No (other) brand in the world is as[so] big as Coca-Cola.
♣Check it out
다음 문장의 [ ]에서 어법상 적절한 표현을 골라라.
1.They must accept the praise of others but he is [many/even] more suspicious of it.
2.Car crashes kill [very/even] more people than terrorism.
3.This parking lot is much [less/lesser] crowded than usual.
4.Most performers will have to play the mainstream repertory in order to secure some credibility.However,this repertory is not necessarily the same as the [best / most] repertory.
5.A board-certified pediatrician is the [most / more] knowledgeable of physicians when dealing with infant medical problems.
6.Yoga seems to be more effective for relieving back pain [in / than] other kinds of exercise.