![[Reading Skills] 25. 단락의 전개방식 - 복합 구성](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200511/2005112369901_2005112349061.jpg)
이번 회에 소개할 글은 올해 일어난 런던 테러 사건의 범인에 관한 글이다.
그 동안 배운 Reading Skills를 적용하면 단락의 전개 방식 및 대의를 쉽게 파악할 수 있을 것이다.
<지시 사항>
1. 각 단락의 주제와 글 전체에서의 역할을 쓰시오.
2. Generation Jihad의 의미를 쓰시오.
Generation Jihad
Rootless and restive, young Muslims in Europe are increasingly turning to religious extremism.
An inside look at the threat of homegrown militants.
By BILL POWELL Time magazine
[1]……But among Europeans, the suicide bombings in London on July 7 of this year, which were carried out by four British citizens, shattered any lingering illusions that the threat can be kept from their shores. In a videotaped message released last week on al-Jazeera, Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, claimed responsibility for the London attacks-the first public acknowledgment that the bombers may have received support and assistance from al- Qaeda operatives. In Europe the message was a chilling reminder that the enemy is within. Jihadist networks are increasingly drawing on a pool of young Muslims living in cities all over Europe-including many who were born and raised in the affluence and openness of the West, products of the very democracies they are determined to attack.
[2] Call it Generation Jihad-restive, rootless young Muslims who have spent their lives in Europe but now find themselves alienated from their societies and the policies of their governments. While the precise number of European jihadists is impossible to pinpoint, counterterrorism officials believe the pool of radicals is growing. Since 1990, the Muslim population in Europe has expanded from an estimated 10 million to 14 million. A 2004 estimate by the intelligence unit of French police found that about 150 of the country's indexed 1,600 mosques and prayer halls were under the control of extremist elements. In the Netherlands, home to 1 million Muslims, a spokesman for the Dutch intelligence service says it believes as many as 20 different hard-line Islamic groups may be operating in the country. In London, authorities say, as many as 3,000 veterans of al-Qaeda training camps over the years were born or based in Britain.
[3] What explains the proliferation of Europe's homegrown radicals? And what dangers do they pose? Interviews with dozens of Muslims across Western Europe reveal a wide range of explanations for why so many are responding to the call of radical Islam. A common sentiment among members of Generation Jihad is frustration with a perceived scarcity of opportunity and disappointment at public policies that they believe target Muslims unfairly. Some lack a sense of belonging in European societies, which have long struggled to assimilate immigrants from the Islamic world. Many, in particular younger Muslims, suffer disproportionately from Europe's high-unemployment, slow-growth economies. Some are outraged over the bloodshed in Iraq and the persistent notion-stoked by Osama bin Laden but increasingly accepted among moderates-that the West is waging an assault on Islam.
[4] Rootlessness is compounded by economic struggle. On the whole, Muslims in Europe are far more likely to be unemployed than non-Muslims are. In Britain, almost two-thirds of children of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin-ethnic groups that together account for three-fifths of Britain's Muslims-are categorized as poor; the national average is 28%. A French law-enforcement source says jobless Muslims are "the easy marks, the fodder of jihadist networks." Yassin el-Abdi, 24, a trained accountant in Mechelen, Belgium, who has been unemployed for three years, says extremists in Europe are making a bad situation for Muslims even worse. "These people who are planting the bombs are wrecking things for us," says el-Abdi. And the depressing reality, says his friend Said Bouazza, who runs a job-training center in Mechelen, is that unemployment is only adding to the jihadists' ranks. "It's like a ticking time bomb. There are people who fight back by opening their own store. Or they plant bombs."
[5] The kinds of young people taking up the jihadist cause in Europe might have been more inclined in the past to drift into a life of crime or drug use. The more committed would have had to journey to religious seminaries and training camps in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan to receive indoctrination in jihad. But now they don't need to leave home. The Internet has played a huge role in fostering a sense of community among both the fanatics and those who would join them. "They're becoming dedicated Islamists without ever leaving their home nations," a French counterterrorism official says.
1.[1] 유럽 내 테러 세력-새로운 주제 도입부(But으로 시작하면서,새로운 주제로 전환)
[2] Generation Jihad의 정의 및 유럽 내 이슬람교도의 현황-새로운 주제에 대한 정의
[3] 이슬람 과격주의자들이 유럽에서 증가하는 원인-주제 전개(question & answer 방식)
[4] 유럽내 이슬람교도들의 경제상황-주제 전개(listing 방식)
[5] 현재 Generation Jihad가 성장하는 원인-결론에 해당
2.유럽에서 살았는데도 그 사회와 정부 정책에 흡수되지 못하고 소외 계층이 되어버린 젊은 이슬람교도
김기훈 대표 cedu@ceduenglish.com
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