[Reading Skills] 15. 단락의 전개방식

이번 회에서는 단락의 전개 방식에 관해 다시 공부해 보겠다.

이 글은 프로이드의 정신병리학 이론에 관한 것이다.

길이는 길지만 내용이나 구성은 지금까지 읽어왔던 글보다는 훨씬 재미있고 쉬운 편이니 아래 지시 사항대로 죽 읽어나가기 바란다.

주어진 글에 대한 지시문을 읽고, 아래 지시 사항에 따라 이번 회의 글을 분석해 보라.

<지시 사항>

1.첫 단락을 읽고,주제어를 찾아라.

2.두 번째 단락을 고딕체로 표시된 부분에 유의하여 읽고,첫 문장과 나머지 문장과의 관계를 생각해 보라.

3.세 번째 단락을 고딕체로 표시된 부분에 유의하여 읽고,구성의 특징을 생각해 보라.

4.각 단락 간의 관계를 생각해 보라.


■ Directions: 다음 글을 읽고 프로이드가 주장하는 이론을 간략히 요약하시오

In 1914, Freud published an English edition of his The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. In this book he endeavours to show that many 'lapses of memory' and 'slips of the tongue' are not inexplicable accidents but can be readily understood if fitted into the personality picture of the individual. The reader is recommended to look at this well-written book for himself and discover the wealth of intriguing anecdotal evidence with which Freud supports and develops his thesis.

Freud is at his best when discussing those seemingly accidental mistakes of speech and writing where one word is substituted for another and, especially, where the substitute word means the opposite of the word intended. A physician is writing out a prescription for an impecunious patient who asks him not to give her big bills because she cannot swallow them-and then says that, of course, she meant pills. An arrogant lecturer says that he could count the number of real authorities on his subject on one finger - he means the fingers of one hand. A President of the Austrian House of Deputies is opening a session from which he fears little good will come and announces that, since such and such a number of gentlemen are present, he declares the session as closed; amid laughter, he corrects his mistake and declares the session as opened. All of these examples clearly derive from the person saying what he actually thinks without checking himself to make his insincere but diplomatic statement. <중략>

When Freud begins to discuss 'lapses of memory' in terms of repression, he seems to move on less firm ground. He does not, of course, claim that all lapses are due to repression. His concern is to show that at least some are and, to this end, he gives examples in which a name or a word is unexpectedly forgotten and proceeds to demonstrate that the forgotten item is associated either directly or indirectly with unpleasant circumstances. Here we may cite two of his most convincing examples. The first concerns a man (X) who repeatedly forgot the name of an old acquaintance and business associate (Y). When he required to correspond with Y, he had to ask other people for his name. It transpired that Y had recently married a young woman X himself had hoped to marry. Thus X had good reason to dislike his happy rival and want to forget all about him. The second example concerns a man who set out to recite a poem, got so far, and then could recall no more although he knew the poem well. The line on which he blocked was descriptive of a pine-tree which is covered 'with the white sheet'. Why should this phrase have been forgotten? Asked to relate what came to his mind when he thought of this phrase, it was found that it immediately reminded him of the white sheet which covers a dead body, and of the recent death of his brother from a heart condition which was common in his family and from which he feared he too might die. The phrase referring to the white sheet appears to have been forgotten because it was associated with circumstances which the man did not wish to recall. In Freud's other examples, the link between the forgotten item and some unpleasant circumstance is not so easily demonstrated.

(From Memory: Facts and Fallacies, by Ian Hunter)


이제 <지시 사항>대로 글을 분석해 보자.

1.첫 문장은 주제문이 나오기 전의 도입문에 해당한다.

두 번째 문장에서 주제어에 해당하는 'lapses of memory' and 'slips of the tongue'을 찾을 수 있다.

2.두 번째 단락의 첫 문장은 주제문이면서 동시에 첫 단락에 나왔던 주제어 'lapses of memory' and 'slips of the tongue'을 풀이하고 있다.

이와 같이 모든 글에서는 어려운 말이 나오면 다시 쉽게 풀이해 준다.

어려운 말이 나왔다고 두 번,세 번 그 문장을 읽는 것 보다는 죽죽 읽어내려가는 것이 내용 이해에 더 도움이 된다.

나머지 문장들 중 세 문장은 예시로서 주제를 보충해 주고 있다.

여기서는 예시의 신호어(signal)로 A physician…,An arrogant lecturer…,A president…가 쓰였다.

마지막 문장은 앞에 나온 3가지 예를 종합해 결론을 내주면서 첫 문장의 내용을 확실하게 보충해주고 있다.

3.세 번째 단락도 두 번째 단락과 마찬가지로 주제문과 예시로 되어 있다.

여기서는 예시의 신호어(signal)로 The first…,The second…가 쓰였다.

4.첫 단락은 이 글 전체의 주제를 소개하는 도입부이고,두 번째와 세 번째 단락은 주제의 전개 과정에 해당한다.

이렇게 예를 통해 주제를 전개하는 방식을 illustration(예증)이라고 한다.

김기훈 대표 cedu@ceduenglish.com

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