▶ 일반적 실수 7 : 잘못 쓰인 어휘
영어에는 발음이 비슷하지만 철자와 의미가 전혀 다른 아주 많은 단어들이 있다.
간혹 시험문제 중에는 어휘력의 능력을 평가하고자 이러한 문제가 출제된다.
아래 몇 가지 예를 들어보기로 하자.
ACCEPT/EXCEPT; 아주 비슷한 발음을 가지고 있지만 전혀 다른 뜻을 가진다. ‘ACCEPT’는 제공되는 어떤 것을 받는 것을 의미하며,‘EXCEPT’는 제외한다는 의미이다. 간략한 문장으로 그 뜻을 이해하도록 하자.
Dad said he would accept my apology for putting a dent in his new car.
The soldier was excepted from combat duty because he had poor field vision.
Al refused to let the rain affect his plans for a picnic,so he sat under an umbrella.
The young activist received an award for effecting a change in her community.
Jeff is afflicted with severe migraine headaches.
No one dared displease the king,for he was known to inflict severe punishments on those who upset him
I remarked that Sally’s boyfriend was unusual looking: this allusion to his prominent tattoos did not please Sally.
A magician creates the illusion that something has disappeared by hiding it faster than the eye can follow it.
Many people emigrated from Europe in search of better living conditions.
They immigrated to North America because land was plentiful.
EMINENT/IMMINENT,LAY/LIE,LEAVE/LET,RAISE/RISE,SET/SIT 등 많은 어휘들이 있으니 혼돈하지 않도록 어휘력을 높이는 것이 중요하다.
▶ Idioms
to pin on;I wasn’t anywhere near the window when it got broken.You can’t pin that on me
to get a rise out of;I got a rise out of Marvin when I teased him about his weight
to stick around;Why don’t you stick around for a while and see if Sarah eventually shows up?
to pick up the tab;The advertising manager is flying to Puerto Rico for a conference,and her firm is picking up the tab
by the way;Vera’s been divorced for three years now.She told me,by the way,that she never plans to remarry
to go to town;Our interior decorator really went to town in remodeling our living room
search me;When I asked Derek why his girlfriend wasn’t at the party yet,he said,“Beats me.I expected her an hour ago.”
to live it up;After receiving a large inheritance from a rich aunt,I was able to live it up for years
to have a voice in;The students are trying to have a voice in college affairs by gaining representation on administrative committees
▶ Grammar : VERBS - VERBALS
Wrong;The professor forbids the students leaving early.
Right;The professor forbids the students to leave early.
Wrong;She could not help to laugh at his foolishness.
Right;She could not help laughing at his foolishness.
Wrong;Do not let those children to eat a lot of candy.
Right;Do not let those children eat a lot of candy.
Wrong;She had her phone hook up when she returned from abroad.
Right;She had her phone hooked up when she returned from abroad.
Wrong;He had his annual chest X-ray taking yesterday.
Right;He had his annual chest X-ray taken yesterday.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 열렬한 (passionate,burning,fervid,impassioned,vehement,ardent)
△ 불쌍한 (pathetic,moving,pitiable,pitiful,touching)
△ 가난한 (penniless,indigent,needy,poverty-stricken)
△ 완벽한 (perfect,consummate,flawless,ideal)
△ 영구한 (permanent,abiding,durable,enduring,indelible,perennial,stable)
△ 고집하는 (persistent,ceaseless,continual,continuous,unceasing,unremitting)
△ 육체의 (physical,bodily,carnal,corporal,corporeal,fleshy,material)
△ 명백한 (plain,apparent,conspicuous,evident,manifest,obvious)
△ 명랑한 (playful,frisky,frolicsome,sportive)
△ 유쾌한 (pleasing,agreeable,attractive,engaging,enjoyable,nice,pleasant)
▶ English :
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Advertising can tell you a lot about a country.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Advertising says much about a country,because it has to say something to that country’s people,in language they can understand.
Every country’s advertising,then,is unique to that country.
Advertising from Japan is distinctive to Japan,advertising from England is unique to England,and so on.
Here are examples of what advertising tells us about a country.
For example,look at advertising from the United States.
Many ads are for expensive products like cars.
Such ads tell us that the U.S. is a wealthy country.
Many other advertisements are for resorts and vacation spots.
These ads tell us that America is a rich country where people have time for leisure.
Let’s take another example.
Canadian advertising has a different message.
Many Canadian ads try to emphasize Canada’s differences from the U.S.One famous Canadian ad showed an actor playing an ‘ordinary’ Canadian.
He pointed out how he was a Canadian,not an American!
The ad was very popular.
It also said something important about Canada;Canadians are scared of domination by their big,rich,powerful neighbor to the south.
In summary,advertising is like a fingerprint or a mirror.
It says unmistakably which country created it,and what that country and its people are like.
Just by looking at ads,you probably could tell which country you were in!
▶ Korean :
그 나라의 사람들이 이해할 수 있는 언어로 표현되는 광고는 한 나라에 관하여 많은 것을 나타낼 수 있다.
각국의 광고는 나라별로 특별하다.
일본에서 만들어진 광고는 일본에게는 특별하며,영국에서 만들어진 광고는 영국사람들에게는 특별한 것이다.
여기에 광고가 한 나라에 관하여 무엇을 말 할 수 있는지 예를 들어보기로 하자.
예를 들어,미국에서 만들어진 광고를 살펴보자.
대부분의 광고는 자동차와 같은 비싼 제품들이다.
그러한 광고들은 미국이 부강한 국가임을 보여준다.
다른 많은 광고들은 리조트나 휴가 장소에 관한 것이다.
이러한 광고들은 미국이 부자 나라이며,여가를 즐길 수 있는 시간이 사람들에게 있다는 것을 보여준다.
다른 예를 보면,캐나다의 광고들은 다른 메시지를 가지고 있다.
대부분의 많은 광고들은 캐나다는 미국과 다르다는 것을 강조한다.
매우 유명한 캐나다의 광고 중 하나는 ‘평범한’ 캐나다 사람을 연기자가 보여주고 있다.
그 연기자는 자신은 미국 사람이 아닌 캐나다 사람임을 강조한다.
이 광고는 매우 유명했었다.
그러한 광고는 캐나다에 관해서 매우 중요한 어떤것을 말한다;그들의 남쪽에 위치한 거대하고,부자이며,강한 이웃에게 지배 될 것을 두려워하는 것이다.
요약하자면,광고는 거울에 남겨진 지문과 같다.
광고는 어느 나라에서 만들었으며,그 나라 사람들의 모습과 좋아하는 것을 보여준다.
광고를 봄으로써,우리는 어느 나라에 살고 있는가를 말할 수 있을 것이다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com
영어에는 발음이 비슷하지만 철자와 의미가 전혀 다른 아주 많은 단어들이 있다.
간혹 시험문제 중에는 어휘력의 능력을 평가하고자 이러한 문제가 출제된다.
아래 몇 가지 예를 들어보기로 하자.
ACCEPT/EXCEPT; 아주 비슷한 발음을 가지고 있지만 전혀 다른 뜻을 가진다. ‘ACCEPT’는 제공되는 어떤 것을 받는 것을 의미하며,‘EXCEPT’는 제외한다는 의미이다. 간략한 문장으로 그 뜻을 이해하도록 하자.
Dad said he would accept my apology for putting a dent in his new car.
The soldier was excepted from combat duty because he had poor field vision.
Al refused to let the rain affect his plans for a picnic,so he sat under an umbrella.
The young activist received an award for effecting a change in her community.
Jeff is afflicted with severe migraine headaches.
No one dared displease the king,for he was known to inflict severe punishments on those who upset him
I remarked that Sally’s boyfriend was unusual looking: this allusion to his prominent tattoos did not please Sally.
A magician creates the illusion that something has disappeared by hiding it faster than the eye can follow it.
Many people emigrated from Europe in search of better living conditions.
They immigrated to North America because land was plentiful.
EMINENT/IMMINENT,LAY/LIE,LEAVE/LET,RAISE/RISE,SET/SIT 등 많은 어휘들이 있으니 혼돈하지 않도록 어휘력을 높이는 것이 중요하다.
▶ Idioms
to pin on;I wasn’t anywhere near the window when it got broken.You can’t pin that on me
to get a rise out of;I got a rise out of Marvin when I teased him about his weight
to stick around;Why don’t you stick around for a while and see if Sarah eventually shows up?
to pick up the tab;The advertising manager is flying to Puerto Rico for a conference,and her firm is picking up the tab
by the way;Vera’s been divorced for three years now.She told me,by the way,that she never plans to remarry
to go to town;Our interior decorator really went to town in remodeling our living room
search me;When I asked Derek why his girlfriend wasn’t at the party yet,he said,“Beats me.I expected her an hour ago.”
to live it up;After receiving a large inheritance from a rich aunt,I was able to live it up for years
to have a voice in;The students are trying to have a voice in college affairs by gaining representation on administrative committees
▶ Grammar : VERBS - VERBALS
Wrong;The professor forbids the students leaving early.
Right;The professor forbids the students to leave early.
Wrong;She could not help to laugh at his foolishness.
Right;She could not help laughing at his foolishness.
Wrong;Do not let those children to eat a lot of candy.
Right;Do not let those children eat a lot of candy.
Wrong;She had her phone hook up when she returned from abroad.
Right;She had her phone hooked up when she returned from abroad.
Wrong;He had his annual chest X-ray taking yesterday.
Right;He had his annual chest X-ray taken yesterday.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 열렬한 (passionate,burning,fervid,impassioned,vehement,ardent)
△ 불쌍한 (pathetic,moving,pitiable,pitiful,touching)
△ 가난한 (penniless,indigent,needy,poverty-stricken)
△ 완벽한 (perfect,consummate,flawless,ideal)
△ 영구한 (permanent,abiding,durable,enduring,indelible,perennial,stable)
△ 고집하는 (persistent,ceaseless,continual,continuous,unceasing,unremitting)
△ 육체의 (physical,bodily,carnal,corporal,corporeal,fleshy,material)
△ 명백한 (plain,apparent,conspicuous,evident,manifest,obvious)
△ 명랑한 (playful,frisky,frolicsome,sportive)
△ 유쾌한 (pleasing,agreeable,attractive,engaging,enjoyable,nice,pleasant)
▶ English :
![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <54>- Laughter is the Best Medicine!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200912/2009121650511_2009121874711.jpg)
Advertising can tell you a lot about a country.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Advertising says much about a country,because it has to say something to that country’s people,in language they can understand.
Every country’s advertising,then,is unique to that country.
Advertising from Japan is distinctive to Japan,advertising from England is unique to England,and so on.
Here are examples of what advertising tells us about a country.
For example,look at advertising from the United States.
Many ads are for expensive products like cars.
Such ads tell us that the U.S. is a wealthy country.
Many other advertisements are for resorts and vacation spots.
These ads tell us that America is a rich country where people have time for leisure.
Let’s take another example.
Canadian advertising has a different message.
Many Canadian ads try to emphasize Canada’s differences from the U.S.One famous Canadian ad showed an actor playing an ‘ordinary’ Canadian.
He pointed out how he was a Canadian,not an American!
The ad was very popular.
It also said something important about Canada;Canadians are scared of domination by their big,rich,powerful neighbor to the south.
In summary,advertising is like a fingerprint or a mirror.
It says unmistakably which country created it,and what that country and its people are like.
Just by looking at ads,you probably could tell which country you were in!
▶ Korean :
그 나라의 사람들이 이해할 수 있는 언어로 표현되는 광고는 한 나라에 관하여 많은 것을 나타낼 수 있다.
각국의 광고는 나라별로 특별하다.
일본에서 만들어진 광고는 일본에게는 특별하며,영국에서 만들어진 광고는 영국사람들에게는 특별한 것이다.
여기에 광고가 한 나라에 관하여 무엇을 말 할 수 있는지 예를 들어보기로 하자.
예를 들어,미국에서 만들어진 광고를 살펴보자.
대부분의 광고는 자동차와 같은 비싼 제품들이다.
그러한 광고들은 미국이 부강한 국가임을 보여준다.
다른 많은 광고들은 리조트나 휴가 장소에 관한 것이다.
이러한 광고들은 미국이 부자 나라이며,여가를 즐길 수 있는 시간이 사람들에게 있다는 것을 보여준다.
다른 예를 보면,캐나다의 광고들은 다른 메시지를 가지고 있다.
대부분의 많은 광고들은 캐나다는 미국과 다르다는 것을 강조한다.
매우 유명한 캐나다의 광고 중 하나는 ‘평범한’ 캐나다 사람을 연기자가 보여주고 있다.
그 연기자는 자신은 미국 사람이 아닌 캐나다 사람임을 강조한다.
이 광고는 매우 유명했었다.
그러한 광고는 캐나다에 관해서 매우 중요한 어떤것을 말한다;그들의 남쪽에 위치한 거대하고,부자이며,강한 이웃에게 지배 될 것을 두려워하는 것이다.
요약하자면,광고는 거울에 남겨진 지문과 같다.
광고는 어느 나라에서 만들었으며,그 나라 사람들의 모습과 좋아하는 것을 보여준다.
광고를 봄으로써,우리는 어느 나라에 살고 있는가를 말할 수 있을 것이다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com