▶ 일반적 실수 5 : 부정사와 동명사의 혼돈
영어 시험의 여러 부분에서 숙어적 표현에 대한 문제가 주어지곤 한다.
이것은 응시생들이 단어의 조합에 대하여 알고 있는지를 알아보는 것이다.
예를 들어,문제들 중 반드시 하나는 동명사의 자리에 부정사를 혹은 반대로 부정사의 자리에 동명사를 넣어 놓은 것이다.
Team officials heralded Cap Day as an attempt at attracting (attempt to attract) a larger turnout of fans.
Surveillance cameras are frequently placed in convenience stores to prevent customers to shoplift. (to prevent customers from shoplifting).
위의 문장에서 틀린 곳에 대한 명백한 문법적 해석은 없다.
단지,우리가 영어로 표현할 때 그렇게 사용하기 때문이다.
영작문을 작성할 때,모든 부정사와 동명사의 리스트를 만들 수는 없다.
또한 모든 가능한 조합인 부정사와 동명사를 암기할 수도 없다.
단지,우리는 자연스러운 표현이 무엇인지 아는 것이 중요하다.
▶ 필수 Idioms
to kick (something) around : At first my friends were reluctant to consider my suggestion,but they finally were willing to kick it around for a while
on the ball : Jim was the only one who caught that serious error in the bookkeeping statements. He's really on the ball
to make up : The teacher allowed several students who missed the exam to make it up during the next class
to make up with : After the bad quarrel the two lovers kissed and made up with each other
to pull together : The reporter pulled together information from several sources in preparing the newspaper article
to be looking up : Prospects for building that new library in the downtown area are looking up
to kick the habit : Once a child becomes accustomed to chewing his nails,it's difficult to kick the habit
to cover up : The political cover up of the bribery scandal failed and was reported by all the major media
Wrong : If I will the contest,I will buy a new car
Right : If I win the contest,I will buy a new car.
Wrong : If you had lost your job,what would you do?
Right : If you lost your job,what would you do?
Wrong : If they had ask me,I would have given them my opinion.
Right : If they had asked me,I would have given them my opinion.
Wrong : If Bob had studied more,he would have pass the test.
Right : If Bob had studied more,he would have passed the test.
Wrong : If Jane had known it was supposed to rain,she would have took an umbrella.
Right : If Jane had known it was supposed to rain,she would have taken an umbrella.
Wrong : If would have a degree from the university,I would get a good job.
Right : If I had a degree from that university,I would get a good job.
Wrong : If he would have been on time,we would have asked him to the party.
Right : If he had been on time,we would have asked him to the party.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 표준적인 (normal,natural,ordinary,regular,typical)
△ 마비된 (numb,anesthetized,deadened,insensible,paralyzed,stupefied)
△ 순종하는 (obedient,dutiful,good,well-behaved)
△ 태만한 (oblivious,absent-minded,abstracted,inattentive)
△ 불쾌한 (obnoxious,hateful,odious,offensive)
△ 분명하지 않은 (obscure,abstruse,arcane,cryptic,recondite)
△ 아부하는 (obsequious,abject,menial,subservient,sycophantic)
△ 주의 깊은 (observant,alert,attentive,aware,discerning,perceptive)
△ 임시의 (occasional,infrequent,rare,scattered,sporadic,uncommon)
△ 나이든 (old,aged,elderly,patriarchal,senile,superannuated,venerable)
▶ English :
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Some people prefer to travel in groups,led by a tour guide.
That is definitely a convenient arrangement.
The problem is,everyone in the group then has the same experience.
Everyone travels the same route and hears the same lecture.
How does such a tour differ from staying home and watching a travel video?
There is hardly any difference.
Individual travel,without a guide,is much more enjoyable,because you can create your own travelling experience.
To illustrate,imagine visiting one of the world's great art museums.
Which would you rather do; see the whole thing quickly,rushing along in a guided tour,or see a few parts of the museum at your own place?
It is better to view a few things closely than many things at a glance.
For example,the National Gallery of Art in Washington,D.C. used to have a room devoted to paints by the Spanish artist Goya.
Some of the paintings were bold and vivid.
Others were sober and restrained.
One painting was highly realistic.
Another was almost abstract.
The same artist Goya - had painted in many different styles and painted many different subjects.
Looking at his paintings closely,one got to know him better.
It was almost like meeting Goya himself because his art revealed a complex person.
To conclude,an experience like that would have been unlikely on a guided tour.
Of course,not all guided tours are quick and superficial.
Some are well run and informative.
Given a choice,however,one can learn much more when one is one's own "tour guide."
▶ Korean :
어떤 사람들은 여행가이드가 안내하는 단체 여행을 더 좋아한다.
물론 단체 여행은 매우 편리한 여정이다.
문제는 단체 여행객 모두가 똑같은 여행 경험을 하게 된다는 것이다.
모든 여행객은 같은 여행지를 방문하고 같은 설명을 듣게 된다.
그러한 여행이 집에 앉아서 여행 비디오를 보는 것과 무엇이 다르겠는가?
거의 다른 점이 없다.
여행가이드 없이 개별로 여행한다면 스스로의 여행 경험을 창출할 수 있기 때문에 더욱 즐길 수 있을 것이다.
예를 들어,세계에서 가장 훌륭한 박물관을 방문한다고 하자. 어느 것을 더 선호할 것인가; 모든 예술 작품을 여행가이드를 따라 빠르게 지나칠 것인가, 혹은 당신 자신만이 원하는 장소에서 박물관의 중요한 부분만 볼 것인가?
많은 것을 잠시 스쳐지나가듯 보는 것보다는 몇 가지를 아주 가까이 보는 것이 더 낫다.
예를 들어,워싱턴의 예술 작품 전시장에는 스페인의 화가인 고야의 작품을 전시한 방이 있었다.
어떠한 그림은 굵고 선명하다. 반면에 다른 것들은 희미하며 엷다.
그 중 하나는 매우 사실적이었다. 다른 것은 매우 추상적이었다.
같은 고야의 작품이지만,매우 많은 다른 방식으로, 그리고 매우 다른 주제로 작품을 그렸다.
그의 작품을 가까이 본다면,우리들은 더 잘 그의 작품을 알게 될 것이다.
그의 작품이 고야 자신의 복잡함을 나타나기에 우리는 고야를 직접 만나는 것과 같은 느낌을 받을 것이다.
결론적으로,이러한 경험은 여행가이드를 통한 여행으로는 경험하기 어렵다.
물론,모든 단체 여행이 급하고 표면적이지는 않을 것이다.
어떠한 단체 여행은 잘 구성되어 있고 많은 정보를 제공한다.
선택이 주어진다면,단체 여행을 가는 여행객보다는 혼자서 하는 여행이 더 많은 것을 배울 수 있을 것이다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com
![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <52>- Back To The Drawing Board!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200912/2009120202061_2009120439331.jpg)
이것은 응시생들이 단어의 조합에 대하여 알고 있는지를 알아보는 것이다.
예를 들어,문제들 중 반드시 하나는 동명사의 자리에 부정사를 혹은 반대로 부정사의 자리에 동명사를 넣어 놓은 것이다.
Team officials heralded Cap Day as an attempt at attracting (attempt to attract) a larger turnout of fans.
Surveillance cameras are frequently placed in convenience stores to prevent customers to shoplift. (to prevent customers from shoplifting).
위의 문장에서 틀린 곳에 대한 명백한 문법적 해석은 없다.
단지,우리가 영어로 표현할 때 그렇게 사용하기 때문이다.
영작문을 작성할 때,모든 부정사와 동명사의 리스트를 만들 수는 없다.
또한 모든 가능한 조합인 부정사와 동명사를 암기할 수도 없다.
단지,우리는 자연스러운 표현이 무엇인지 아는 것이 중요하다.
▶ 필수 Idioms
to kick (something) around : At first my friends were reluctant to consider my suggestion,but they finally were willing to kick it around for a while
on the ball : Jim was the only one who caught that serious error in the bookkeeping statements. He's really on the ball
to make up : The teacher allowed several students who missed the exam to make it up during the next class
to make up with : After the bad quarrel the two lovers kissed and made up with each other
to pull together : The reporter pulled together information from several sources in preparing the newspaper article
to be looking up : Prospects for building that new library in the downtown area are looking up
to kick the habit : Once a child becomes accustomed to chewing his nails,it's difficult to kick the habit
to cover up : The political cover up of the bribery scandal failed and was reported by all the major media
Wrong : If I will the contest,I will buy a new car
Right : If I win the contest,I will buy a new car.
Wrong : If you had lost your job,what would you do?
Right : If you lost your job,what would you do?
Wrong : If they had ask me,I would have given them my opinion.
Right : If they had asked me,I would have given them my opinion.
Wrong : If Bob had studied more,he would have pass the test.
Right : If Bob had studied more,he would have passed the test.
Wrong : If Jane had known it was supposed to rain,she would have took an umbrella.
Right : If Jane had known it was supposed to rain,she would have taken an umbrella.
Wrong : If would have a degree from the university,I would get a good job.
Right : If I had a degree from that university,I would get a good job.
Wrong : If he would have been on time,we would have asked him to the party.
Right : If he had been on time,we would have asked him to the party.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 표준적인 (normal,natural,ordinary,regular,typical)
△ 마비된 (numb,anesthetized,deadened,insensible,paralyzed,stupefied)
△ 순종하는 (obedient,dutiful,good,well-behaved)
△ 태만한 (oblivious,absent-minded,abstracted,inattentive)
△ 불쾌한 (obnoxious,hateful,odious,offensive)
△ 분명하지 않은 (obscure,abstruse,arcane,cryptic,recondite)
△ 아부하는 (obsequious,abject,menial,subservient,sycophantic)
△ 주의 깊은 (observant,alert,attentive,aware,discerning,perceptive)
△ 임시의 (occasional,infrequent,rare,scattered,sporadic,uncommon)
△ 나이든 (old,aged,elderly,patriarchal,senile,superannuated,venerable)
▶ English :
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Some people prefer to travel in groups,led by a tour guide.
That is definitely a convenient arrangement.
The problem is,everyone in the group then has the same experience.
Everyone travels the same route and hears the same lecture.
How does such a tour differ from staying home and watching a travel video?
There is hardly any difference.
Individual travel,without a guide,is much more enjoyable,because you can create your own travelling experience.
To illustrate,imagine visiting one of the world's great art museums.
Which would you rather do; see the whole thing quickly,rushing along in a guided tour,or see a few parts of the museum at your own place?
It is better to view a few things closely than many things at a glance.
For example,the National Gallery of Art in Washington,D.C. used to have a room devoted to paints by the Spanish artist Goya.
Some of the paintings were bold and vivid.
Others were sober and restrained.
One painting was highly realistic.
Another was almost abstract.
The same artist Goya - had painted in many different styles and painted many different subjects.
Looking at his paintings closely,one got to know him better.
It was almost like meeting Goya himself because his art revealed a complex person.
To conclude,an experience like that would have been unlikely on a guided tour.
Of course,not all guided tours are quick and superficial.
Some are well run and informative.
Given a choice,however,one can learn much more when one is one's own "tour guide."
▶ Korean :
어떤 사람들은 여행가이드가 안내하는 단체 여행을 더 좋아한다.
물론 단체 여행은 매우 편리한 여정이다.
문제는 단체 여행객 모두가 똑같은 여행 경험을 하게 된다는 것이다.
모든 여행객은 같은 여행지를 방문하고 같은 설명을 듣게 된다.
그러한 여행이 집에 앉아서 여행 비디오를 보는 것과 무엇이 다르겠는가?
거의 다른 점이 없다.
여행가이드 없이 개별로 여행한다면 스스로의 여행 경험을 창출할 수 있기 때문에 더욱 즐길 수 있을 것이다.
예를 들어,세계에서 가장 훌륭한 박물관을 방문한다고 하자. 어느 것을 더 선호할 것인가; 모든 예술 작품을 여행가이드를 따라 빠르게 지나칠 것인가, 혹은 당신 자신만이 원하는 장소에서 박물관의 중요한 부분만 볼 것인가?
많은 것을 잠시 스쳐지나가듯 보는 것보다는 몇 가지를 아주 가까이 보는 것이 더 낫다.
예를 들어,워싱턴의 예술 작품 전시장에는 스페인의 화가인 고야의 작품을 전시한 방이 있었다.
어떠한 그림은 굵고 선명하다. 반면에 다른 것들은 희미하며 엷다.
그 중 하나는 매우 사실적이었다. 다른 것은 매우 추상적이었다.
같은 고야의 작품이지만,매우 많은 다른 방식으로, 그리고 매우 다른 주제로 작품을 그렸다.
그의 작품을 가까이 본다면,우리들은 더 잘 그의 작품을 알게 될 것이다.
그의 작품이 고야 자신의 복잡함을 나타나기에 우리는 고야를 직접 만나는 것과 같은 느낌을 받을 것이다.
결론적으로,이러한 경험은 여행가이드를 통한 여행으로는 경험하기 어렵다.
물론,모든 단체 여행이 급하고 표면적이지는 않을 것이다.
어떠한 단체 여행은 잘 구성되어 있고 많은 정보를 제공한다.
선택이 주어진다면,단체 여행을 가는 여행객보다는 혼자서 하는 여행이 더 많은 것을 배울 수 있을 것이다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com