▶ 일반적 실수 4 : 단순 과거와 과거 완료의 혼돈
영작문을 할 때 전형적으로 실수를 저지르는 것 중 하나가 과거와 과거분사 형태의 사이에서 동사의 형태를 혼돈하는 것이다.
선택형 문제에서 자주 출제되는 것 중 하나가 과거분사형태의 동사가 쓰일 곳에 과거형을 넣어 놓는 것이다.
Several passersby seen (saw) the bank robber leaving the scene of his crime.
'seen' 은 과거분사형 동사이다.
물론,have 혹은 be 동사와 같이 쓰여야 한다.
그러므로,위의 문장에서는 단순 과거형인 'saw'를 쓰는 것이 정답이다.
독해 문제에서 항상 나오는 문제형이 have/be 없이 과거분사가 쓰이거나,단순 과거형이 have/be 동사와 같이 쓰이는 것이다.
쉽지만 간과하여서는 안 된다.
규칙 동사의 과거형,과거분사형은 끝에 -ed를 붙이면 된다.
하지만,불규칙 동사의 경우는 두 가지의 형태가 다르므로 필히 불규칙 동사의 과거,과거분사를 외우도록 하자.
▶ 필수 Idioms
to step in : The supervisor asked one of the employees to step in her office for a moment
to step down : The angry shareholders wanted the company president to step down because of the stock scandal
to step on : We're going to be late for the movies. You'd better step on it
a steal : Scott considered it a steal when he bought a complete bedroom set for only $99
to play up to : The other student in the class resent Jim because he plays up to the teacher in order to get better grades
more or less : Although your bedroom feels smaller,it's more or less the same size as mine
to screw up : Instead of fixing the television set,the technician screwed it up even more
to goof up : I really goofed up on the exam today: did you mess up,too?
▶ Grammar : VERBS - WISHES
Wrong : Steven wishes that he has a bigger apartment.
Right : Steven wishes that he had a bigger apartment.
Wrong : Helen wishes that she does not live in a dormitory.
Right : Helen wishes that she did not live in a dormitory.
Wrong : The actor wishes he was not required to perform every evening.
Right : The actor wished he were not required to perform every evening.
Wrong : Bob wishes that he bought that house last spring.
Right : Bob wishes that he had bought that house last spring.
Wrong : I wish that I was living in a warmer climate.
Right : I wish that I were living in a warmer climate.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 현대의 (modern,contemporary,current,present-day,recent,timely,late)
△ 겸손한 (humble,modest,lowly,meek,retiring,shy,unpretentious)
△ 지루한 (monotonous,boring,dull,tedious,tiresome)
△ 윤리적인 (moral,decent,ethical,good,honorable,righteous,upright)
△ 상호의 (mutual,common,interchangeable,joint,reciprocal,shared)
△ 신비로운 (mystical,mysterious,occult)
△ 순수한 (naive,artless,guileless,unaffected,rude)
△ 출생지의 (native,aboriginal,autochthonous,endemic,indigenous)
△ 이웃의 (neighboring,abutting,adjacent,adjoining,contiguous,tangent)
△ 짜증나는 (nervous,edgy,excitable,flighty,jittery,jumpy,on edge,uptight)
▶ English :
It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood.
Do you support or oppose this plan?
Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
I live in a great neighborhood that has many things to offer.
My neighbors themselves are nice.
We have a convenience store just down the street.
There is a gas station around the corner and we even have a Laundromat nearby.
The one thing that we are missing is a restaurant within walking distance,so if a restaurant were to be built in my neighborhood, I think everyone in my neighborhood would be delighted.
Having things close at hand in your neighborhood makes life more convenient.
Having a restaurant within a few blocks of my house would be great because my family could walk there if we decided to eat out and we wouldn't have to bother with driving in traffic or finding parking downtown.
Now that drunk driving has become a big issue in my culture,if my father wanted to have a glass of wine with dinner,he could do so without worrying about driving home.
A new restaurant would give employment opportunities to the people in my neighborhood.
Teenagers who do not drive or don't have a car could walk to work.
Having the restaurant nearby would give young people freedom so they wouldn't have to depend on their parents or older siblings to take them to work.
If my family decided that we didn't want to cook,we could order food from this neighborhood restaurant and decide if we wanted to eat there or bring it home.
If we decided to eat the food at home,we could walk there to pick it up without paying for delivery.
This saves time and money.
I am certain if someone decided to build a restaurant in my neighborhood that it would be well accepted by the people who live here.
A restaurant close by is the one thing that our neighborhood is missing.
▶ Korean :
나는 매우 많은 것들을 제공하는 훌륭한 이웃들과 함께 거주하고 있다.
이웃들은 좋은 사람들이다.
바로 아래 거리에 편의점이 있으며,가까운 곳에 주유소가 있고,세탁소가 있다.
걸을 수 있는 거리에 없는 것이 레스토랑이며,만약 이웃에 레스토랑이 들어선다면 모두들 환영할 것이다.
편리한 것들이 아주 가까운 이웃에 있다는 것은 삶을 더 편리하게 만든다.
레스토랑이 이웃에 있다면 우리 가족은 외식을 하기 위하여 교통체증에 운전하거나,시내에서 주차할 곳을 찾는 걱정을 안 하면서 걸어서 갈 수 있을 것이다.
문화적으로 음주운전이 큰 문제로 대두되는 환경에서 만약 아버지께서 저녁에 와인을 한잔 하기를 원하시더라도 집까지 운전해야 하는 걱정이 없을 것이다.
새로운 레스토랑은 이웃 주민들에게 직장을 구할 기회를 줄 것이다.
차가 없는 십대들은 걸어서 일터로 갈 수 있을 것이다.
레스토랑이 가까이 있다면 어린 직원들은 부모가 일터까지 태워주어야 하는 걱정을 없앨 수 있다.
만약 식사 준비 하기를 원하지 않는다면,레스토랑에 가서 먹거나 주문을 할 수도 있다.
만약 집에서 주문하여 먹기를 원하더라도 레스토랑에 걸어가서 주문한 음식을 가져옴으로써 배달비용을 지불할 필요가 없다.
돈을 절약할 수 있다.
만약 누군가가 우리의 이웃에 레스토랑을 짓기를 결정한다면 이곳에 사는 이웃들이 찬성을 할 것이다.
가까운 레스토랑이 없다는 것이 우리가 살고 있는 이웃에서 없는 한가지이다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com
![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <51>- A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200911/2009112538981_2009112721571.jpg)
선택형 문제에서 자주 출제되는 것 중 하나가 과거분사형태의 동사가 쓰일 곳에 과거형을 넣어 놓는 것이다.
Several passersby seen (saw) the bank robber leaving the scene of his crime.
'seen' 은 과거분사형 동사이다.
물론,have 혹은 be 동사와 같이 쓰여야 한다.
그러므로,위의 문장에서는 단순 과거형인 'saw'를 쓰는 것이 정답이다.
독해 문제에서 항상 나오는 문제형이 have/be 없이 과거분사가 쓰이거나,단순 과거형이 have/be 동사와 같이 쓰이는 것이다.
쉽지만 간과하여서는 안 된다.
규칙 동사의 과거형,과거분사형은 끝에 -ed를 붙이면 된다.
하지만,불규칙 동사의 경우는 두 가지의 형태가 다르므로 필히 불규칙 동사의 과거,과거분사를 외우도록 하자.
▶ 필수 Idioms
to step in : The supervisor asked one of the employees to step in her office for a moment
to step down : The angry shareholders wanted the company president to step down because of the stock scandal
to step on : We're going to be late for the movies. You'd better step on it
a steal : Scott considered it a steal when he bought a complete bedroom set for only $99
to play up to : The other student in the class resent Jim because he plays up to the teacher in order to get better grades
more or less : Although your bedroom feels smaller,it's more or less the same size as mine
to screw up : Instead of fixing the television set,the technician screwed it up even more
to goof up : I really goofed up on the exam today: did you mess up,too?
▶ Grammar : VERBS - WISHES
Wrong : Steven wishes that he has a bigger apartment.
Right : Steven wishes that he had a bigger apartment.
Wrong : Helen wishes that she does not live in a dormitory.
Right : Helen wishes that she did not live in a dormitory.
Wrong : The actor wishes he was not required to perform every evening.
Right : The actor wished he were not required to perform every evening.
Wrong : Bob wishes that he bought that house last spring.
Right : Bob wishes that he had bought that house last spring.
Wrong : I wish that I was living in a warmer climate.
Right : I wish that I were living in a warmer climate.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 현대의 (modern,contemporary,current,present-day,recent,timely,late)
△ 겸손한 (humble,modest,lowly,meek,retiring,shy,unpretentious)
△ 지루한 (monotonous,boring,dull,tedious,tiresome)
△ 윤리적인 (moral,decent,ethical,good,honorable,righteous,upright)
△ 상호의 (mutual,common,interchangeable,joint,reciprocal,shared)
△ 신비로운 (mystical,mysterious,occult)
△ 순수한 (naive,artless,guileless,unaffected,rude)
△ 출생지의 (native,aboriginal,autochthonous,endemic,indigenous)
△ 이웃의 (neighboring,abutting,adjacent,adjoining,contiguous,tangent)
△ 짜증나는 (nervous,edgy,excitable,flighty,jittery,jumpy,on edge,uptight)
▶ English :
It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood.
Do you support or oppose this plan?
Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
I live in a great neighborhood that has many things to offer.
My neighbors themselves are nice.
We have a convenience store just down the street.
There is a gas station around the corner and we even have a Laundromat nearby.
The one thing that we are missing is a restaurant within walking distance,so if a restaurant were to be built in my neighborhood, I think everyone in my neighborhood would be delighted.
Having things close at hand in your neighborhood makes life more convenient.
Having a restaurant within a few blocks of my house would be great because my family could walk there if we decided to eat out and we wouldn't have to bother with driving in traffic or finding parking downtown.
Now that drunk driving has become a big issue in my culture,if my father wanted to have a glass of wine with dinner,he could do so without worrying about driving home.
A new restaurant would give employment opportunities to the people in my neighborhood.
Teenagers who do not drive or don't have a car could walk to work.
Having the restaurant nearby would give young people freedom so they wouldn't have to depend on their parents or older siblings to take them to work.
If my family decided that we didn't want to cook,we could order food from this neighborhood restaurant and decide if we wanted to eat there or bring it home.
If we decided to eat the food at home,we could walk there to pick it up without paying for delivery.
This saves time and money.
I am certain if someone decided to build a restaurant in my neighborhood that it would be well accepted by the people who live here.
A restaurant close by is the one thing that our neighborhood is missing.
▶ Korean :
나는 매우 많은 것들을 제공하는 훌륭한 이웃들과 함께 거주하고 있다.
이웃들은 좋은 사람들이다.
바로 아래 거리에 편의점이 있으며,가까운 곳에 주유소가 있고,세탁소가 있다.
걸을 수 있는 거리에 없는 것이 레스토랑이며,만약 이웃에 레스토랑이 들어선다면 모두들 환영할 것이다.
편리한 것들이 아주 가까운 이웃에 있다는 것은 삶을 더 편리하게 만든다.
레스토랑이 이웃에 있다면 우리 가족은 외식을 하기 위하여 교통체증에 운전하거나,시내에서 주차할 곳을 찾는 걱정을 안 하면서 걸어서 갈 수 있을 것이다.
문화적으로 음주운전이 큰 문제로 대두되는 환경에서 만약 아버지께서 저녁에 와인을 한잔 하기를 원하시더라도 집까지 운전해야 하는 걱정이 없을 것이다.
새로운 레스토랑은 이웃 주민들에게 직장을 구할 기회를 줄 것이다.
차가 없는 십대들은 걸어서 일터로 갈 수 있을 것이다.
레스토랑이 가까이 있다면 어린 직원들은 부모가 일터까지 태워주어야 하는 걱정을 없앨 수 있다.
만약 식사 준비 하기를 원하지 않는다면,레스토랑에 가서 먹거나 주문을 할 수도 있다.
만약 집에서 주문하여 먹기를 원하더라도 레스토랑에 걸어가서 주문한 음식을 가져옴으로써 배달비용을 지불할 필요가 없다.
돈을 절약할 수 있다.
만약 누군가가 우리의 이웃에 레스토랑을 짓기를 결정한다면 이곳에 사는 이웃들이 찬성을 할 것이다.
가까운 레스토랑이 없다는 것이 우리가 살고 있는 이웃에서 없는 한가지이다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com