일반적 실수 3 : 주어가 복수형으로 보여질 때의 주어-동사 일치의 실수

[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <50>- Walk a Mile in My Shoes!
문장 내에서 때때로 복수로 보이지만 실제로는 아닌 주어가 존재하기도 한다.

예를 들어,

Neither ambient techno nor trance were (was) a part of mainstream listening habits in the United States 10 years ago.

위의 문장에서 두 개의 주어가 존재하지만,이 두 개의 단수 주어는 복수형을 만들기 위하여 합해지지 않는다.

예로,neither __ nor __ or either __ or __ 에서 공백에 들어가는 명사가 단수라면,동사도 역시 단수이어야 한다.

반대로 공백에 복수 주어가 사용된다면,동사도 역시 복수가 되어야 한다.

__along with __,__ as well as __,__ in addition to__ 와 같은 구조에서,첫 번째 공백에 사용된 명사가 단수이며,두 번째 공백에 사용되는 명사가 단지 절을 수식하는 것이라면,동사는 반드시 단수가 되어야 한다.

Poor pitching,along with injuries and defensive lapses,is among the problems that plague last year's championship team.

문장 내에 쓰인 가짜 주어에 주의해라.

필수 Idioms

to go through: I can't believe what she went through to get that job

to go without saying: it goes without saying that you shouldn't drive quickly in bad weather

to put (someone) on: Don't worry. I wouldn't expect you do all that work by yourself. I'm just putting you on

to keep one's head: When the boat starting sinking in heavy seas,the crew members kept their heads and led the passengers to the lifeboat

to lose one's head: If the politician hadn't gotten stirred up and lost his head,he never would have criticized his opponent unfairly

narrow-minded: Narrow-minded people tend to discriminate against groups of people with which they have nothing in common

to stand up: My old car has stood up well over the years. I haven't had any major problems at all

to get the better of: Jim doesn't seem very athletic at tennis,but if you're not careful,he'll get the better of you

▶ Grammar : VERBS OF 'DEMAND'

Wrong: The doctor advised that I am going on a diet.

Right: The doctor advised that I go on a diet.

Wrong: The restaurant suggested that we arrived on time for our reservation.

Right: The restaurant suggested that we arrive on time for our reservation.

Wrong: The instructions ask that we don't use a red pen.

Right: The instructions ask that we not use a red pen.

Wrong: The law requires that studen ts are in school a certain number of days a year.

Right: The law requires that students be in school a certain number of days a year.

Wrong: It was important that money was collected for the cause.

Right: It was important that money be collected for the cause.

▶ Vocabs :

△ 가장자리의 (marginal,minor,negligible,nugatory,peripheral)

△ 남자다운 (manly,male,masculine,mannish,virile)

△ 무거운 (massive,enormous,hefty,huge,immense,ponderous,vast)

△ 성인의 (mature,adult,experienced,full-blown,full-grown,grown-up,of age)

△ 간섭하는 (nosy,obtrusive,snoopy,officious,meddlesome,interfering)

△ 평범한 (fair,ordinary,passable,second-rate,so-so,tolerable)

△ 사소한 (microscopic,minuscule,minute,infinitesimal)

△ 개구쟁이의 (mischievous,bad,delinquent,disobedient,naughty)

△ 불행한 (miserable,dismal,sorry,unhappy,wretched)

△ 속이는 (misleading,deceitful,deceiving,deceptive,delusive,dissembling)

▶ English :

Do you agree of disagree with the following statement?

Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.

Use specific reasons an examples to support your position.

I think that children should begin to learn a foreign language as soon as they start school.

Many parents have their children learn or acquire the foreign language before elementary school.

A child who learns a second language around age eight to ten has a much richer education than children who lack exposure to foreign languages.

People can learn a language easily when they are young.

Many older people often say that they are too old to learn a foreign langue.

They cannot remember the words or phrases even after hundreds of times reciting.

It is hard for them in faith,but while it is quite different from the young.

A healthy child has a better and quicker memory,so the new things e learned may not be forgotten easily with the process of time.

When you go to the primary school,you begin to learn the knowledge from your teachers.

Most of them use their native language while teaching you.

If you do not learn the foreign language you want to learn,the longer you receive the education,the more difficult for you to learn it.

More and more opportunities to speak Chinese will affect on the consequence of foreign language study directly,unless we start learning it as soon as the school begins.

Another reason for early language study is that the young may dare to talk with foreigners and it is a very good chance to practice oral skills.

As you know,many grown-ups are bashful to talk with the foreigners,but young students can do so very easily,for they do not care their grammar or expressions right or wrong.

If children start to learn a foreign language as soon as they go to school,they may also talk with each other with using the target language.

In a word,learning a foreign language as soon as starting school is helpful and important.

It is not a burden but one of the best ways of learning.

▶ Korean :

아이들은 취학 나이가 되면 외국어 공부를 시작해야 한다.

많은 부모들이 그들의 자녀를 초등학교에 입학하기도 전에 외국어 공부를 시키기 시작한다.

외국어 공부를 여덟 살에서 열 살 사이에 시작한 아이들은 늦게 시작한 아이들보다,훨씬 능숙한 외국어 실력을 보인다.

어린 나이에 사람들은 더 쉽게 언어를 배울 수 있다.

많은 어른들은 종종 외국어를 배우기에 너무 늙었다고 말하곤 한다.

수백 번을 반복하더라도 어른들은 어휘와 문장을 외울 수 없다.

신념은 굳건할지라도 젊은이의 그것과는 아주 다르다.

건강한 아이는 더 빠르고 좋은 기억을 가지고 있으며,시간이 지난다고 새로이 배운 것을 쉽게 잊어버리지는 않는다.

초등학교를 다니면서 우리는 선생님들로부터 지식을 배우기 시작한다.

대부분의 선생님은 모국어를 사용하여 우리들을 가르친다.

만약 우리가 배우기를 원하는 외국어를 배우지 않는다면,학교의 교육이 길어지면 길어질수록 외국어를 배우는 것은 더 어려워진다.

우리가 학교를 다니자마자 외국어를 배우는 것을 시작하지 않는다면,우리는 더 많은 시간을 모국어를 쓰면서 지낼 것이고 외국어를 배우는 결과에 직접적으로 영향을 미칠 것이다.

어린 나이에 외국어를 배우는 것이 좋은 다른 이유로는,어린이는 외국인에게 말을 거는 것을 두려워하지 않으며,외국어로 말하는 기술의 연습에 매우 좋은 기회가 된다.

대다수의 어른들은 외국인에게 말은 거는 것을 두려워하지만,어린이들은 문법 혹은 표현의 옳고 그름을 상관하지 않고 아주 쉽게 외국인과 대화를 하고자 한다.

만약 아이들이 학교에 입학하자마자 외국어를 배우기 시작한다면,아이들끼리 외국어를 사용할지도 모른다.

결론적으로 학교에 입학과 동시에 외국어를 배우기 시작하는 것은 매우 이로우며,힘들겠지만 외국어를 배우는 가장 좋은 방법들 중의 하나이다.

THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com