![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <43>- Quitters Never Win : Winners Never Quit!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200909/2009092848581_2009100167901.jpg)
대명사는 문장 내에서 명사를 대신하여 사용되는 것이다.
항상 어떠한 대명사를 문장 내에 사용하더라도 그것의 선행사가 무엇인지 나타내는 것이 명확하여야 한다.
선행사라는 것은 대명사가 나타내는 특별한 명사를 말한다.
Incorrect : The teacher told the student he was lazy.
Correct : The student was lazy,and the teacher told him so.
Incorrect : Sara knows more about history than Irina because she learned it from her father.
Correct : Since Sara learned history from her father,she knows more than Irina does.
만약 대명사가 나타내는 것이 모호할 때는 문장을 다시 써도 괜찮다.
선행사를 반복하는 것을 두려워할 필요는 없다.
Incorrect : When you are painting,be sure not to get it on the floor.
Correct : When you are painting,be sure not to get any paint on the floor.
This,that,it 혹은 which 를 사용하여 전체의 구,문장 혹은 아이디어를 나타내는 것을 피하라.
Incorrect : The salesman spoke loudly,swayed back and forth,and tapped the table nervously,which made his customers extremely nervous.
Correct : The salesman spoke loudly,swayed back and forth,and tapped the table nervously,mannerisms which made his customers extremely nervous.
▶ 필수 Idioms :
to knock out : Linda's beautiful appearance and slender figure really knock me out
to knock oneself out : She really knocked herself out trying to pass that difficult class
to carry out : It's easy to write down a plan for losing weight,but much harder to carry it out
to run into : It was a shock to run into an old friend from high school recently
to set out : The children tried to set out the dishes on the table,but their dad had to help to lay the dishes out properly
to set out to : We set out to paint the hose in one day,but quickly realized that it would be impossible to do so
to draw up : Max asked me to draw up a map to the party so that he wouldn't get lost
to drop out of : Two more baseball teams have dropped out of the youth league due to a lack of players
to cheer up : We all tried to cheer up the little boy when he started to cry
to make sense : It makes sense to wait until a sunny day to visit the park together
▶ Grammar : Modifiers - SUPERLATIVES
Wrong : Yesterday was coldest day of the year.
Right : Yesterday was the coldest day of the year.
Wrong : John is the smartest student than anyone else in the class.
Right : John is the smartest student in the class.
Wrong : We went to Ann's Restaurant,Ted's Diner,and Tom's Caf?,and Ann's Restaurant served better food.
Right : We went to Ann's Restaurant,Ted's Diner,and Tom's Caf?,and Ann's Restaurant served the best food.
Wrong : I took mathematics,French,and history last semester,and the mathematics course was the better.
Right : I took mathematics,French,and history last semester,and the mathematics course was the best.
Wrong : She was the most beautifulest woman I had ever seen.
Right : She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 성인의 (mature,adult,experienced,full-grown,grown-up,of age)
△ 참견하는 (interfering,nosy,snoopy,obtrusive,meddlesome,officious)
△ 평범한 (fair,commonplace,ordinary,passable,second-rate,so-so)
△ 미세한 (minute,infinitesimal,microscopic,miniature,minuscule)
△ 장난기 넘치는 (mischievous,bad,delinquent,disobedient,naughty)
△ 비참한 (miserable,dismal,sorry,unhappy,wretched)
△ 속이는 (misleading,deceitful,deceiving,deceptive,delusive,dissembling)
△ 현대의 (modern,contemporary,current,present-day,recent,timely,late)
△ 겸손한 (modest,humble,lowly,meek,retiring,shy,unassuming,unpretentious)
△ 지루한 (monotonous,boring,dull,tedious,tiresome)
▶ English :
What is the most important animal in your country?
Why is the animal important?
Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.
In our country,the most important animal would be the human being.
Omnipresent,active,and endearing,this animal has made a huge impact on the nature and structure of this country.
In fact,it could be said that without this animal,we would not have a country.
Where Korea lies,there would be a vast,open land without borders,roads,factories,skyscrapers,farms,or machines.
The land would be covered with plants and animals,living out their lives in harmony and balance.
Moreover,our land is covered from one boarder to the other with human beings.
This animal has opposable thumbs to grip and manipulate objects.
This ability has enabled it to create tools,which it uses to create things from the natural world.
This animal leaves traces of his creation in the form of toxic waste products over many areas of the country.
Also,the human beings population continues to increase and continues to push other creatures from their environments in order to build upon and inhabit the land.
The animal walks on two legs and makes sounds with its throat that are known as languages.
With this language,the animal communicates with others of his species.
In summary,the human being is by far the most important animal in this country.
Without it,this country would be inhabited in harmony with plants and animals instead of toxic pollution and destroyed land.
Without humans,this country would be very different.
They are animals who,if they did not exist,would have the greatest impact by not being here.
Human beings have the largest brain of all animals and it is my hope that they will use it to live in harmony with nature.
▶ Korean :
우리나라에서 제일 중요한 동물은 인간일 것이다.
어디에나 존재하고,활동적이며,친밀감이 있는 인간은 자연과 이 나라의 구조에 막대한 영향을 끼쳤다.
사실,인간이 없었다면 우리는 국가를 가질 수 없었을 것이라 말할 수 있다.
한국이 위치하는 곳에,국경이 없으며,길 공장 빌딩들, 그리고 농장 혹은 기계가 없는 거대하게 펼쳐진 땅이 있을 것이다.
그 땅은 식물들 동물들이 조화와 균형을 이루고 뒤덮여 있을 것이다.
더욱이,우리의 땅은 하나의 경계로부터 다른 인간들이 사는 경계까지 덮여 있다.
인간은 물체를 잡거나 변형시킬 수 있는, 대항할 수 있는 엄지 손가락을 가지고 있다.
이러한 능력은 도구를 창조하였고 그러한 도구를 이용하여 자연으로부터 물건들을 창조할 수 있었다.
인간은 국가의 많은 지역에 창조의 부산물인 유독성 쓰레기 물체들을 남기고 있다.
또한,인간들의 인구가 지속적으로 증가함에 따라 그 땅에 건물을 짓고 살기 위하여 그 환경으로부터 다른 생명체를 쫓아내는 것을 계속하고 있다.
인간은 두 다리로 걸으며,목으로 이른바 언어라고 알려져 있는 소리를 만든다.
이 언어를 사용하여 인간은 다른 개체와 소통할 수 있다.
요점을 정리하면,인간은 이 나라에 진정으로 가장 중요한 것이다.
인간이 없었다면,이 나라에는 식물과 동물들이 유독성 공해와 땅을 파괴하는 대신 조화롭게 살아가고 있을 것이다.
인간이 없다면,이 나라는 매우 다를 것이다.
그들은 동물들이며,그들이 존재하지 않았다면 여기에 존재하지 않는 것에 의하여 엄청난 충격을 주었을지도 모른다.
인간은 모든 동물 중 가장 큰 뇌를 가지고 있으며,자연과 더불어 조화롭게 살기 위하여 사용하자는 것이 나의 희망이다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com