영작문을 쓸 때 적용할 수 있는 12가지 규칙중의 5번째를 소개하고자 한다.
▶ Rule 5 : 콜론을 정확하게 사용하라
콜론을 사용하는 3가지 규칙은
1. 영어 문장에서 콜론은 앞 문맥에 무엇이 나왔는지의 리스트,정의,설명 혹은 간략한 요점이 다음 문장이 나올 것이라는 설명하기 위하여 사용된다.
Correct : Your instructions are as follows; Read the passage carefully,answer questions on the last page,and turn over your answer sheet.
Correct : This is what I found in the refrigerator; A moldy lime,half a bottle of stale soda,and a jar of peanut butter.
2. 동사 그리고 동사의 직접 목적어 사이에는 콜론을 사용하지 않는다.
Incorrect : I want; a slice of pizza and a small green salad.
Correct : This is what I want; A slice of pizza and a small green salad.
Correct : I don't want much for lunch; Just a slice of pizza and a small green salad.
3. 두 번째의 독립 절이 앞의 절과 긴밀하게 연결되어 있다면,명확한 설명 없이 콜론을 사용하기도 한다.
Correct : We were aghast; The 'charming country inn' that had been advertised in such glowing terms proved to be a leaking cabin full of mosquitoes.
Correct : We were aghast. The 'charming country inn' that had been advertised in such glowing terms proved to be a leaking cabin full of mosquitoes.
▶ 필수 Idioms :
to bite off : When I accepted the position of chairman,I didn't realize how much I was biting off
to tell apart : The two brothers look so much alike that few people can tell them apart
all in all : There were a few problems,but all in all it was a well-organized seminar
to pass out : Please help me pass out these test papers: there must be a hundred of them
to go around : There's a bad strain of influenza going around right now. Have you gotten your flu shots yet?
to put on : Bob has put on a lot of weight recently. He must have put at least fifteen pounds on
to put up : Please put your hand up if you have never studied English grammar before
to put up with : While I'm studying,I can't put up with any noise or other distractions
day in and day out : During the month of April,it rained day in and day out
to catch up : The student was absent from class so long that it took her a long time to catch up
▶ Grammar : Modifiers - Adjective / Adverb Confusion
Wrong : Do it carefully,if not perfect.
Right : Do it carefully,if not perfectly.
Wrong : He is an extreme pleasant person.
Right : He is an extremely pleasant person.
Wrong : It was an interesting designed museum.
Right : It was an interestingly designed museum.
Wrong : He worked hardly at the factory all day.
Right : He worked hard at the factory all day.
Wrong : You should order that book real soon.
Right : You should order that book really soon.
Wrong : My sister plays the piano very good.
Right : My sister plays the piano very well.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 사교적인 (social,outgoing,friendly,cordial,amiable,affable,gregarious)
△ 무시무시한 (grim,grisly,hideous,lurid,macabre,gruesome)
△ 잘 속는 (naive,trusting,credulous,gullible)
△ 괴로운 (hard,difficult,arduous,laborious,perplexing,troublesome,trying)
△ 건강한 (healthy,hale,hearty,robust,sound,strong,vigorous,well)
△ 답답한 (heavy,burdensome,crushing,onerous,oppressive)
△ 경솔한 (careless,heedless,incautious,inconsiderate,insensitive,thoughtless)
△ 종류가 잡다한 (heterogeneous,miscellaneous,mixed,motley)
△ 높은 (high,elevated,lofty,tall,towering)
△ 가장 높은 (highest,supreme,topmost,uppermost)
▶ English :
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
A person should never make an important decision alone.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
I agree that a person should never make an important decision alone.
If you are making an important,it is usually helpful to have the perspective of friends and /or family.
Any important decision is going to have serious repercussions on your life and the people around you.
So,the astute thing to do for a person making any decision with life - changing implications is to ask for the opinion of someone who may not be intimately connected to the situation.
First,when making an important decision,chances are that your judgment is often clouded by emotion.
You may or may not know the right decision to make,but in either case,you have a greater chance of making the wrong decision if you don't have anyone to consult.
Most children confide in their parents to help them make such decisions while others turn to a best friend or relative.
Whoever it is that one turns to can help because they are not as tied to the situation emotionally as the person who must make the decision.
For example,if a high school student is thinking about which college to attend after graduation,it's going to be easier to make that choice if the student is able to confer with his or her parents about the various options.
If the parents can't give the proper advice,perhaps a guidance counselor or friend can be of help.
Even if only used as a sounding board,having someone to talk to about a dilemma or decision can make all the difference.
To sum up,emotional attachment to situation can often lead to poor judgment.
Even when we know right from wrong,it's sometimes difficult to do the right thing.
It is all the more difficult if we have to 'face the music' alone.
As the saying goes,"Everybody needs somebody sometimes".
▶ Korean :
사람은 혼자서 중요한 결정을 만들어서는 안 된다는 의견에 동의한다.
만약 당신이 중요한 결정을 해야만 한다면,친구들이나 가족의 관점을 들어보는 것이 도움이 되곤 한다.
모든 중요한 결정들은 당신의 인생 그리고 당신 주위의 사람들에게 심각한 영향을 주기도 한다.
그러므로 사람의 인생에 있어서 중요한 결정을 위하여 빈틈없이 해야 할 것들 중 하나가 함축된 의미를 변화시키는 것이고 그것은 그 상황에 직접적으로 연결되어 있지 않은 누군가의 의견을 물어보는 것이다.
첫 번째로,당신이 중요한 결정을 하려고 할 때 감정에 의하여 당신의 판단력이 흐려지는 상황에 놓이게 된다.
당신이 옳은 결정을 내릴 것인가 알 수는 없지만 어떠한 경우든 만약 다른 사람에게 상의를 하지 않는다면 잘못된 결정을 내릴 커다란 위험을 가지게 된다.
대부분의 아이들은 그러한 결정을 내리기 위해 부모에게 털어놓는 반면에,다른 사람들은 가장 친한 친구나 친척에게 물어본다.
상담할 사람이 누구이든지간에 중요한 결정을 내려야 할 사람이라면 당신처럼 감정적으로 상황에 묶여있지 않은 사람들에게 도움을 바라는 것이 좋다.
예를 들어,만약 고등학생이 졸업 후 어떠한 대학에 진학할지를 생각한다면 다양한 선택권들에 대하여 부모와 상의하는 것이 결정을 내리는 데 더 쉽다.
만약 부모가 적당한 충고를 줄 수 없다면,진로 상담원이나 친구의 도움이 좋을 수 있다.
단지 상담역을 맡은 사람일지라도,누군가 고충과 결정에 관하여 말할 사람이 있다면 전혀 다른 결정을 만들 수가 있다.
결론적으로,상황에 감정이 개입되면 그릇된 판단으로 종종 이끌게 된다.
우리는 옳고 그름을 알고는 있지만 때때로 옳은 결정을 내리기가 어렵다.
더욱이 혼자서 자진하여 어려움을 떠 맡는다면 더 어려워질 것이다.
이른바 "누구든지 때때로 누군가가 필요하다" 는 말이 있다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com
▶ Rule 5 : 콜론을 정확하게 사용하라
콜론을 사용하는 3가지 규칙은
1. 영어 문장에서 콜론은 앞 문맥에 무엇이 나왔는지의 리스트,정의,설명 혹은 간략한 요점이 다음 문장이 나올 것이라는 설명하기 위하여 사용된다.
Correct : Your instructions are as follows; Read the passage carefully,answer questions on the last page,and turn over your answer sheet.
Correct : This is what I found in the refrigerator; A moldy lime,half a bottle of stale soda,and a jar of peanut butter.
2. 동사 그리고 동사의 직접 목적어 사이에는 콜론을 사용하지 않는다.
Incorrect : I want; a slice of pizza and a small green salad.
Correct : This is what I want; A slice of pizza and a small green salad.
Correct : I don't want much for lunch; Just a slice of pizza and a small green salad.
3. 두 번째의 독립 절이 앞의 절과 긴밀하게 연결되어 있다면,명확한 설명 없이 콜론을 사용하기도 한다.
Correct : We were aghast; The 'charming country inn' that had been advertised in such glowing terms proved to be a leaking cabin full of mosquitoes.
Correct : We were aghast. The 'charming country inn' that had been advertised in such glowing terms proved to be a leaking cabin full of mosquitoes.
▶ 필수 Idioms :
to bite off : When I accepted the position of chairman,I didn't realize how much I was biting off
to tell apart : The two brothers look so much alike that few people can tell them apart
all in all : There were a few problems,but all in all it was a well-organized seminar
to pass out : Please help me pass out these test papers: there must be a hundred of them
to go around : There's a bad strain of influenza going around right now. Have you gotten your flu shots yet?
to put on : Bob has put on a lot of weight recently. He must have put at least fifteen pounds on
to put up : Please put your hand up if you have never studied English grammar before
to put up with : While I'm studying,I can't put up with any noise or other distractions
day in and day out : During the month of April,it rained day in and day out
to catch up : The student was absent from class so long that it took her a long time to catch up
▶ Grammar : Modifiers - Adjective / Adverb Confusion
Wrong : Do it carefully,if not perfect.
Right : Do it carefully,if not perfectly.
Wrong : He is an extreme pleasant person.
Right : He is an extremely pleasant person.
Wrong : It was an interesting designed museum.
Right : It was an interestingly designed museum.
Wrong : He worked hardly at the factory all day.
Right : He worked hard at the factory all day.
Wrong : You should order that book real soon.
Right : You should order that book really soon.
Wrong : My sister plays the piano very good.
Right : My sister plays the piano very well.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 사교적인 (social,outgoing,friendly,cordial,amiable,affable,gregarious)
△ 무시무시한 (grim,grisly,hideous,lurid,macabre,gruesome)
△ 잘 속는 (naive,trusting,credulous,gullible)
△ 괴로운 (hard,difficult,arduous,laborious,perplexing,troublesome,trying)
△ 건강한 (healthy,hale,hearty,robust,sound,strong,vigorous,well)
△ 답답한 (heavy,burdensome,crushing,onerous,oppressive)
△ 경솔한 (careless,heedless,incautious,inconsiderate,insensitive,thoughtless)
△ 종류가 잡다한 (heterogeneous,miscellaneous,mixed,motley)
△ 높은 (high,elevated,lofty,tall,towering)
△ 가장 높은 (highest,supreme,topmost,uppermost)
▶ English :
![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <38>- Jump through Hoops!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200908/2009082660541_2009082878731.jpg)
A person should never make an important decision alone.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
I agree that a person should never make an important decision alone.
If you are making an important,it is usually helpful to have the perspective of friends and /or family.
Any important decision is going to have serious repercussions on your life and the people around you.
So,the astute thing to do for a person making any decision with life - changing implications is to ask for the opinion of someone who may not be intimately connected to the situation.
First,when making an important decision,chances are that your judgment is often clouded by emotion.
You may or may not know the right decision to make,but in either case,you have a greater chance of making the wrong decision if you don't have anyone to consult.
Most children confide in their parents to help them make such decisions while others turn to a best friend or relative.
Whoever it is that one turns to can help because they are not as tied to the situation emotionally as the person who must make the decision.
For example,if a high school student is thinking about which college to attend after graduation,it's going to be easier to make that choice if the student is able to confer with his or her parents about the various options.
If the parents can't give the proper advice,perhaps a guidance counselor or friend can be of help.
Even if only used as a sounding board,having someone to talk to about a dilemma or decision can make all the difference.
To sum up,emotional attachment to situation can often lead to poor judgment.
Even when we know right from wrong,it's sometimes difficult to do the right thing.
It is all the more difficult if we have to 'face the music' alone.
As the saying goes,"Everybody needs somebody sometimes".
▶ Korean :
사람은 혼자서 중요한 결정을 만들어서는 안 된다는 의견에 동의한다.
만약 당신이 중요한 결정을 해야만 한다면,친구들이나 가족의 관점을 들어보는 것이 도움이 되곤 한다.
모든 중요한 결정들은 당신의 인생 그리고 당신 주위의 사람들에게 심각한 영향을 주기도 한다.
그러므로 사람의 인생에 있어서 중요한 결정을 위하여 빈틈없이 해야 할 것들 중 하나가 함축된 의미를 변화시키는 것이고 그것은 그 상황에 직접적으로 연결되어 있지 않은 누군가의 의견을 물어보는 것이다.
첫 번째로,당신이 중요한 결정을 하려고 할 때 감정에 의하여 당신의 판단력이 흐려지는 상황에 놓이게 된다.
당신이 옳은 결정을 내릴 것인가 알 수는 없지만 어떠한 경우든 만약 다른 사람에게 상의를 하지 않는다면 잘못된 결정을 내릴 커다란 위험을 가지게 된다.
대부분의 아이들은 그러한 결정을 내리기 위해 부모에게 털어놓는 반면에,다른 사람들은 가장 친한 친구나 친척에게 물어본다.
상담할 사람이 누구이든지간에 중요한 결정을 내려야 할 사람이라면 당신처럼 감정적으로 상황에 묶여있지 않은 사람들에게 도움을 바라는 것이 좋다.
예를 들어,만약 고등학생이 졸업 후 어떠한 대학에 진학할지를 생각한다면 다양한 선택권들에 대하여 부모와 상의하는 것이 결정을 내리는 데 더 쉽다.
만약 부모가 적당한 충고를 줄 수 없다면,진로 상담원이나 친구의 도움이 좋을 수 있다.
단지 상담역을 맡은 사람일지라도,누군가 고충과 결정에 관하여 말할 사람이 있다면 전혀 다른 결정을 만들 수가 있다.
결론적으로,상황에 감정이 개입되면 그릇된 판단으로 종종 이끌게 된다.
우리는 옳고 그름을 알고는 있지만 때때로 옳은 결정을 내리기가 어렵다.
더욱이 혼자서 자진하여 어려움을 떠 맡는다면 더 어려워질 것이다.
이른바 "누구든지 때때로 누군가가 필요하다" 는 말이 있다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com