![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay <37>- A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200908/2009081987421_2009082163371.jpg)
Rule 4 : 세미콜론을 정확하게 사용하라
1. 세미콜론은 접속사 and,or,but 의 사용을 대신하여 관계가 있는 독립 절을 연결할 때 사용한다.
Incorrect : Whooping cranes are an endangered species: and they are unlikely to survive if we continue to pollute.
Correct : Whooping cranes are an endangered species: they are unlikely to survive if we continue to pollute.
Correct : Whooping cranes are an endangered species,and they are unlikely to survive if we continue to pollute.
2. 세미콜론은 독립 절들이 therefore,nevertheless,moreover와 같은 단어들로 연결되어 있을 때 사용될 수 있다.
Correct : The staff meeting has been postponed until next Thursday: therefore,I will be unable to get approval for my project until then.
Correct : Farm prices have been falling rapidly for two years: nevertheless,the traditional American farm is not in danger of disappearing.
▶ 필수 Idioms :
to do without : With prices so high now,I'll have to do without a new suit this year
according to : According to my dictionary,you are using that word in your essay incorrectly
to be bound to : We are bound to be late if you don't hurry up
to take for : What do you take me for - a fool? I don't believe what you're saying at all
to tear down : The owners had to tear the house down after it burned down in a fire
to tear up : He told the lawyer to tear the old contract up and then to prepare a new one
to run out of : It's dangerous to run out of water if you are in an isolated area
at heart : James sometimes seems quite unfriendly,but at heart he's a good person
▶ Grammar : Modifiers - Dangling Modifiers
Wrong : Running home from school,a dog bit me.
Right : Running home from school,I was bitten by a dog.
Wrong : When only a child,my father took me to the circus.
Right : When only a child,I was taken to the circus by my father.
Wrong : Hidden in his pocket,George left the room with the key.
Right : Having hidden the key in his pocket,George left the room.
Wrong : To understand the directions,they must be read carefully.
Right : To understand the directions,one must read them carefully.
▶ Vocabs :
△ 서투른 (uncouth,unpolished,maladroit,boorish,gauche)
△ 야한 (flashy,garish,meretricious,tawdry,gaudy)
△ 보편적인 (general,accepted,common,popular,public,universal)
△ 관대한 (generous,bountiful,lavish,liberal,magnanimous)
△ 실제의 (genuine,actual,authentic,real,true)
△ 어두운 (gloomy,dark,dreary,gray,murky,somber)
△ 생생한 (graphic,pictorial,picturesque,vivid)
△ 감사하는 (grateful,appreciative,thankful)
△ 위대한 (great,eminent,illustrious,notable,noteworthy,preeminent,reputable)
△ 탐욕스런 (greedy,acquisitive,avaricious,covetous,envious,miserly)
▶ English :
Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long.
Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year.
Which do you prefer?
Use specific examples to support your choice.
There is no denying the fact that whether to choose a place that have the same weather all year long,or a place where the weather changes several times a year is a popular topic which is much talked about.
Although it seems that normally we cannot tell which one outweighs the other between these two kinds of places,they deserve some close examination.
If three criteria were taken into account, I would prefer living in areas where the weather changes several times a year to living in places that have the same weather or climate all year long.
There are no less than three advantages in this as rendered below.
First,varied weather or climate broadens the range of our pastimes.
For examples,we can go swimming in summer and go skiing in winter.
If the place we live in has only hot weather all year long,like Singapore,most of us can never to skiing in our lives.
Secondly,the changes of climate gives us opportunities to wear many kinds of clothes.
Some say it is a waste of money to buy clothes depending on seasons.
However,wearing various clothes,looking at others' fashion,and feeling the change of seasons is very interesting for me.
Thirdly,changing of seasons is good for our health.
When winter comes our body's metabolism slows down,and when summer comes it speeds up,so that our body can maintain a good rhythm.
Also snows in the winter can kill a lot of bacteria and bad insects,so that in the spring our chance of being infected to a disease is decreased and we can enjoy nice atmosphere and sceneries.
For these reasons,I prefer to live in areas that have several changes of weather.
Only these three reasons can make a person draw the conclusion that living in areas that have season changes is better,not to mention there are more.
▶ Korean :
일년 내내 같은 기후를 가진 곳에 사는 것이 좋은지 혹은 일년에 기후가 여러 번 바뀌는 곳에 사는 것이 좋은지에 대한 것에 대한 질문은 매우 많이 다루어지는 토픽임에는 부정할 수 없는 사실이다.
비록 정상적으로 우리가 한 곳이 다른 한 곳보다 좋다는 것을 말할 수 없는 것처럼 보이지만 자세히 알아볼 만한 가치가 있다.
만약 세 가지의 요점을 찾는다면,나는 일년에 기후가 여러 번 바뀌는 장소에 사는 것을 더 선호할 것 같다.
순서 없이 나열해도 3가지 이상의 이익이 있다.
첫째로,여러 기후 조건은 우리의 여가 시간을 폭 넓게 한다.
예를 들어 여름에는 수영을 하고,겨울에는 스키를 타러 간다.
만약 우리가 사는 곳이 싱가포르처럼 일년 내내 더운 날씨라면 대부분의 사람들은 평생 동안 스키를 타보지 못 할 것이다.
두번째로,변화하는 날씨는 우리가 여러 가지 종류의 옷을 걸칠 기회를 준다.
누군가는 계절별로 옷을 사는 것이 낭비라고 말하곤 한다.
그러나 여러 종류의 옷을 입어보고,다른 사람의 패션을 바라보고,계절이 변화하는 느낌을 갖는 것이 나에게는 흥미로운 일이다.
세번째로,변화하는 기후는 건강에 좋다.
겨울이 오면 우리 몸의 신진대사가 느려지며,여름이 오면 빨라지게 되므로 우리의 몸은 좋은 리듬을 유지하게 된다.
또한 눈 내린 겨울은 많은 박테리아와 나쁜 곤충들을 죽이므로 봄이 되어 우리가 병에 걸리는 것을 줄여주며,우리는 상쾌한 환경과 경치를 즐기게 된다.
이러한 이유로,나는 여러 번의 기후가 변화하는 장소에 사는 것을 선호한다.
3가지 이유만으로도 여러 번의 계절이 가진 장소에 사는 것이 더 좋다는 것을 증명할 수 있다.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com