[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay⑪ - Feast your eyes on this diamond ring. (눈요기하다)
Writing 이든 Speaking 이든 points가 없으면 쓸 말이 없고 할 말이 없는 것은 너무나 당연하다.

Writing을 못하고 Speaking 점수가 낮은 이유는 여러분이 해외 경험이 없거나 짧아서가 아니다.

이것은 누구나 하는 아주 큰 착각이다.

할 말이 없고 쓸 포인트를 못 찾는다는 것을 다시 한번 더 명심하자.

예를 들어 While some students prefer to study alone,others prefer to study with a group of classmate. Which do you prefer?라는 질문에서 적절한 두 points는 manage time efficiently와 help me produce better result가 될 수 있다.

그런 다음 이 두 포인트를 조근조근 누구에게 설명하며 말하듯이 풀어가는 것이 중요하다.

필수 Idioms :

to stop by : James had to stop by the registrar's office to submit a transcript request form.

to come across : While Cheryl was cleaning the attic,she came across some very old coins.

to stand a chance : The New York baseball team stands a good chance of winning the World Series this year.

to take points : She takes pains to do everything well : she's our best employee.

to look on : I stayed with my son athis first soccer practice and looked on as the coach worked with the boys.

to look up to : Children will most certainly look up to their parents if the children are brought up well.

to take off : The plane took off over an hour late.

to pull off : The motorist pulled off when the police officer turned on the red lights and the siren.

to keep time : Although this is a cheap watch,it keeps good time.

Grammar : Possessives

Wrong : Susan did not like him making a lot of noise while she was studying.

Right : Susan did not like his making a lot of noise while she was studying.

Wrong : Betty cannot remember you telling her that story.

Right : Betty cannot remember your telling her that story.

Wrong : They did not like him calling so late at night.

Right : They did not like his calling so late at night.

Wrong : I approve of one living on his own before marriage.

Right : I approve of one's ling on his own before marriage.

Wrong : I could not sleep last night because of them shouting next door.

Right : I could not sleep last night because of their shouting next door.

Wrong : The chairman congratulated us on us winning the contest.

Right : The chairman congratulated us on our winning the contest.

Wrong : When we had a dog,I can remember it chasing birds.

Right : When we had a dog,I can remember its chasing birds.

Wrong : Professor Jones was angry at me coming late to class every day.

Right : Professor Jones was angry at my coming late to class every day.

Vocabs :

△ 만나다 (meet,contact,see,encounter,get in touch with)

△ 녹이다 (melt,liquefy,thaw,dissolve)

△ 이주하다 (migrate,move,travel,emigrate,immigrate)

△ 잊어버리다 (lose,misplace,miss,lose)

△ (모양을) 만들다 (mold,forge,form,model,shape,fashion)

△ 이동하다 (move,shift,relocate,transfer)

△ 명명하다 (name,call,christen,designate,dub)

△ 중립화하다 (neutralize,offset,counteract,counterbalance)

△ 간호하다 (nurse,care for,mind,minister,tend)

△ 제공하다 (offer,present,proffer,propose,tender,bid,volunteer)

English :

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Success,like beauty,is in the eye of the beholder for some,money is a measure of success,but that is a very narrow definition.

I don not think all people who earn a lot of money are successful.

Success,in my opinion,is measured by how we live our lives,not by what we obtain.

Often,to be successful means to realize a goal that one has set for himself or herself.

If that goal were to be a good student,a high grade point average would be the measure of success.

If the goal is to be able to run eight miles in under an hour,success would be measured by being able to perform that feat.

As we are all individuals with individual goals and aspirations,there are as many definitions of success as there are people with goals.

However,money does maintain a very special place in our society.

In the United Sates,under a capitalist economic system,we are encouraged to set goals that obtain wealth.

Thus,when someone sees another person driving the streets of Beverly Hills behind the wheel of a Rolls Royce,he or she might assume that the person is successful.

That would only be true,however,if that person had set as a goal to own a Rolls Royce.

He may be a failure in other areas of his life,and may even be drowning in debt,but because he is able to display wealth,many people think he is successful.

In conclusion,appearances can sometimes be deceiving when it comes to money.

It is important to remember that success is always measured on an individual basis.

If you feel that you are successful because you have realized a goal,then you are.

If you feel like a failure,however,no amount of money will be able to make you feel like you are a successful person.

Certainly,money is only one of a number of ways to determine success.

Korean :

성공이란 아름다움이 바라보는 사람의 관점인 것처럼 돈을 성공의 측정치로 여긴다는 것은 매우 협소한 정의다.

많은 돈을 버는 모든 사람이 성공했다고 생각하지 않는다.

내 의견으로 성공이란 우리가 무엇을 얻느냐는 것이 아니라,우리가 어떻게 우리의 인생을 살아가는 것으로 측정되어야 한다.

종종 성공이 이루어지는 것이란 자신의 힘으로 세운 목표를 깨닫는 것을 의미한다.

만약 우등생이 되는 것이 목표라면,높은 평균 학점이 성공의 측정치일 것이다.

만약 한 시간 이내에 8마일을 달리는 것이 목표라면,성공은 그 위업을 수행할 수 있다는 것으로 측정될 것이다.

우리 모두 각자의 목표와 포부가 있기 때문에 많은 사람들이 있는 것처럼 많은 성공의 의미가 존재한다.

그러나,사회에서 돈은 매우 특별한 위치를 유지하고 있다.

자본주의체제의 미국에서는 부를 획득하는 것을 목표로 하는 것을 부추긴다.

그러므로,누군가가 롤스로이스를 타고 베벌리힐스 거리를 운전하고 가는 다른 사람을 볼 때,그 사람을 성공한 사람이라 추정하게 된다.

만약,그 사람의 목표가 롤스로이스를 소유하는 것이 목표로 삼았다면 그것은 사실일 것이다.

그는 인생의 다른 분야에서 실패자 일 수도 있으며,빚 더미에 쌓여 있을 수도 있지만,그는 부를 과시할 수 있기 때문에 많은 사람들이 그가 성공했다고 생각한다.

결론적으로,때때로 돈으로 드러나는 외형은 기만될 수 있다.

성공은 항상 개개인을 기반으로 측정된다는 것을 기억하는 것이 중요하다.

만약 당신이 목표를 깨달았기 때문에 성공했다고 느낀다면 당신은 성공한 것이다.

만약 당신이 실패자처럼 느낀다고 하지만,돈의 양으로 당신이 성공한 사람처럼 느끼게 만들 수 있지는 않다.

확실히,돈은 단지 성공이라고 정의하는 많은 방법 중의 한가지일 뿐이다.

THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com