[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay ④ - What Could Go Wrong?
지난호에서 우리는 논리의 중요성을 공부했다.

문법과 단어를 떠나서 논리적이지 않은 사고로 인해 생기는 오류가 너무나 많고 큰 감점요인이 된다는 것을 다시 한 번 명심하자.

사실 토플 에세이는 네이티브들이 봤을 때 메모 수준의 아주 짧고 간단한 글인 것이다.

그 짧고 간단한 글에서 도대체 무슨 말을 하는 건지 모르게 쓴다는 것은 그만큼 학생 스스로가 평소에 생각을 많이 하지 않는 다는 점을 채점자에게 보여 주는 것이기도 하다.

가령 여러분이 친구에게 중간고사에 대비해 같이 스터디를 하자는 메일을 보낸다고 가정하자.

그런데 여러분이 그 메일에 중간고사의 필요성 여부,중간고사를 내는 선생님의 자질,심지어는 학교의 지리적 위치의 불편성을 언급한다면 상대방은 여러분이 무슨 말을 하려는지 알 수가 없다.

즉 짜증이 날 것이다.

채점자가 짜증이 난다는 말은 도무지 무슨 말을 하고 있는 건지 알 수가 없을 때, 그래서 두 번 세 번 에세이를 계속 읽게 될 때 당연히 감점이다.

필수 Idioms :

to take hold of : You should take hold of the railing.

to get through : At what time does your wife get through with work?

to keep track of : With seven small children,how do the Wilsons keep track of all of them.

to get carried away : James got carried away with anger.

to burn up : It really burns me up that he borrowed my car without asking me first.

to make good : He is a hard worker,and I am sure that he will make good in that new job.

stands to reason : It stand to reason that he is not going to pass the course if he never studies.

Grammar : wish

Wrong : Steven wishes that he has a bigger apartment.

Right : Steven wishes that he had a bigger apartment.

Wrong : Helen wishes that she does not live in a dormitory.

Right : Helen wishes that she did not live in a dormitory.

Wrong : The actor wishes he was not required to perform every evening.

Right : The actor wishes he were not required to perform every evening.

Wrong : Ted wishes that he did not lose his job last month.

Right : Ted wishes that he had not lost his job last month.

Wrong : Bob wishes that he bought that house last spring.

Right : Bob wishes that he had bought that house last spring.

Wrong : I wish that I was living in a warmer climate.

Right : I wish that I were living in a warmer climate.

Vocabs :

△검사하다/조사하다 (examine,investigate,scan,inspect,scrutinize)

△격리하다/추방하다 (exile,banish,deport)

△존재하다 (exist,be,live,subsist)

△면제하다 (absolve,acquit,vindicate, absolve,exonerate)

△분출하다 (burst,erupt,burst,explode)

△연장하다 (extend,elongate,lengthen,prolong,widen,draw out)

△(과오/실책) 완화하다 (extenuate,palliate,gloss over,whitewash)

△(의식) 약하다 (faint,collapse,black out,swoon)

△아첨하다 (fawn,flatter,today,truckle,compliment,butter up)

△(액체나 기체) 스며들다 (filter,seep,exude,percolate)

여태까지는 항상 한국말이 주어지면 여러분이 영어로 에세이를 작성했었다.

이번호는 일단 주제를 보고나서 에세이를 쓰자.

그리고 나서 아래의 에세이를 한국말로 바꾸어보자.

독해를 하라는 말이 아니라 한편의 한국말 에세이로 번역을 해보라는 것이다.

이 과정도 여러분에게 한국말 에세이와 영어 에세이의 차이점을 확연히 알 수가 있을 것이다.

또 명심할 하나는 이 에세이가 논리적인가 너무 무리한 일반화를 하지 않는가를 찬찬히 살펴보자.


Some people enjoy change,and they look forward to new experiences.

Others like their lives to stay the same,and they do not change their usual habits.

Compare these two approaches to life.

Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.

The only thing that is constant in life is change so we might as well accept it and embrace it heartly.

I enjoy a certain amount of routine in my life.

However,I also like the challenges and excitement that are involved in experiencing new situations.

What is important is finding the balance that works for each of us,enjoying the changes that we are faced with,but still being able to find peace in familiar routines and settings.

For many of us,out home is our oasis.

I feel comfortable in a familiar setting where I can be myself and know exactly what is expected from me.

There is reassurance in knowing that I have a place of my own to return to each day.

I also enjoy visiting restaurants,vacation spots,and other places that remained the same for years.

Sometimes, I am disappointed to find that something has altered.

For instance,several vacation destinations have grown more populated and a special restaurant no longer serves the dish that I love.

Although changes can be sad,it is an inevitable part of life and it can add excitement and surprise to out lives.

It helps to maintain a positive outlook: to embrace change and recognize the opportunities that it offers us.

For example,I might discover that a building that used to house one of my favorites clothing stores is now an adventure travel agency.

I might be inclined to enter there out of curiosity,and this could be the beginning of a whole new adventure.

who knows that I might have a chance to enjoy whitewater rafting.

The best way to incorporate changes into life is to accept it with a smile,to recognize I cannot avoid it,so I might as well let it enrich my life.

If it becomes overwhelming,I need only seek comfort in those things that are constant in my life: the love of my family members,the pleasure I get from reading a book on my favorite couch,or the memories I have when I revisit a familiar forest path or lake side beach.

THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com