![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Integrate Essay ⑥-Don't Quit Trying!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200811/2008111232911_2008111484751.jpg)
Your hair style is not same as mine.
정답은 Your hair style is not the same as mine이다.
에세이에서 가장 많이 실수하는 부분이 관사 the 일 것이다.
물론 ETS에서는 관사와 전치사는 점수에 포함되지 않는다고 하지만 토플은 상대평가이므로 상대방이 높은 점수의 에세이를 썼을 때는 관사 등 세밀한 부분까지 채점하지 않을 수 없다.
앞으로도 자세히 설명하겠지만 한국인이 많이 틀리는 부분을 자세히 공부해보자.
우선 the의 쓰임은 아래와 같이 정리할 수 있다.
-with countries or places where the name refers to a group of islands or states
-with superlatives
-with cardinal numbers
-when there is only one in the world
-to refer to the only one in this particular area
-in the phrase
그럼 각 포인트의 예문을 들어보자
-the United States,the Middle East,the United Arab Emirates,the UK
-the best,the longest,the highest
-the first,the second,the third
-the environment,the internet,the sun
-the government,the police,the river
-the same as
반드시 암기해서 에세이에 활용해보자.
'the' 다음으로 한국인들이 자주 틀리고 그래서 채점자들이 감점을 할 수밖에 없는 요인은 복수형이다.
절대 복수가 되지 않는 명사들을 암기하자.조금만 주의를 기울이면 되는 포인트는 절대 틀려서는 안 된다.
some common uncountable nouns are: advice,food,garbage,furniture,advertising,information,knowledge,money,shopping,time,traffic,travel
Grammar points: Modifiers
wrong : This meat is too delicious.
right : This meat is very delicious.
wrong : It was very late to catch the plane.
right : It was too late to catch the plane.
wrong : He was enough old to get a driver's licence.
right : He was old enough to get a driver's licence.
wrong : His English was enough good as for him to pass the TOEFL.
right : His English was good enough for him to pass the TOEFL.
wrong : We had very much time to finish our work.
right : We had enough time to finish our work.
vocabs :
△의논하다/교섭하다 (consult,negociate,confer,parley)
△반박하다/부인하다 (deny,contradict,refute,oppose,disprove,contravene,controvert)
△지배하다/통제하다 (control,govern,rule,regulate,supervise,manage,administer,direct)
△창조하다/구성하다 (create,invent,make,produce,design,compose)
△결정하다/해결하다 (decide,settle,resolve,determine)
△발표하다/선언하다 (declare,publish,announce,advertise,proclaim,broadcast, announce)
△감소하다 (decrease,drop,sink,decline,subside,fall,abate)
△~바치다/전념하다 (dedicate,devote,consecrate,hallow)
△이기다 (defeat,beat,best,drub)
△(일이) 지연되다 (delay,hold,keep,detain,retard)
자 그럼 Integrate Essay로 돌아가 보자.
지난주에 reading passage와 reading passage를 요약해 보았을 것이다.
도표로 요약해보자
Reading Passage
thesis : free trade agreement is beneficial
points :
1. lowering living cost
2. developing key industries
3. improving interdependence among nations
Listening Passage
thesis : free trade agreement is harmful
points :
1. lost jobs
2. dependent on a few exports
3. international relationships go sour
학생이 쓴 만점짜리 에세이와 여러분이 쓴 에세이를 비교해보자.
반드시 객관적인 목소리로 에세이를 쓰고 각 passage의 포인트를 군더더기 없이 깔끔하게 써야 한다.
Trading is one of controversial issues and two experts share different opinions about the topic.
In the reading passage the writer argues that free trade agreement has numerous benefits for one nation's economy.
By lifting tariff,most countries will be encouraged to export and import various goods.
Therefore there will be a lot of much cheaper products in the market and consumers will enjoy a wide range of choice,which is expected to lower living cost.
Also,having inexpensive foreign goods might provides a country with an opportunity to focus on its lucrative fields in order to make the most profits out of them.
The writer asserts that the more consumers buy imported goods,the better relationships countries will share.
The listening passage,however,tells a different opinion.
The speaker states that free trade agreement will aggravate the situation.
It only deteriorates one nation's economy domestically and internationally.
When there are a lot of imported goods,most of domestic industries might loose their market share and that will eventually create unemployment not to mention preventing the creation and growth of new industries.
Due to severe competitions,few industries will survive and consequently one nation is going to be dependent on other nations.
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com