![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Integrate Essay③-You Have Come a Long Way!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200810/2008102203131_2008102422231.jpg)
그러나 명심해야 할 점은 긴 문장이라고 항상 좋은 것은 아니다.
되도록 간단명료하게 문장을 만드는 것이 정말 중요하다.
그렇다고 해서 초등학생처럼 짧게만 쓸 수도 없는 일이다.
그러므로 간단하게 쓰되 긴 문장을 만들고 싶을 때는 아래의 공식을 대입하면 간단히 해결된다.
공식은 간단하다.
Independent Clause라는 말은 글자 그대로 독립된 문장이라는 말이다.
예를 들어서,I was happy는 독립된 문장이므로 Independent Clause이고 when I was a child 는 '내가 아이였을 때~'이므로 문장이 아니다.
즉 다른 Independent Clause에 기대어야 하므로 Dependent Clause 이다.
그러면 아래 공식을 항상 명심하고 조금씩 긴 문장을 만들어보자.
Simple = Subject + Verb
Complex = One Independent Clause + One Independent Clause
Compound = Two Independent Clause
Compound - Complex = Two Independent Clause + One Dependent Clause
One Independent Clause + One Independent Clause = One Compound Sentence.
-Dennis broke his arm. +The doctor fixed it. = Dennis broke his arm,so the doctor fixed it
-A miracle took place yesterday +The sun was eclipsed by the moon. = A miracle took place yesterday : the sun was eclipsed by the moon.
Two Independent Clause + One dependent Clause = One Compound-Complex Sentence.
-When Dennis broke his arm. +The doctor fixed it. + the family celebrated. = When Dennis broke his arm, the doctor fixed it, and the family celebrated.
-A miracle took place yesterday.+ Before the sun was eclipsed by the moon.=a spaceship landed on Earth.
위에서 보는 것처럼 두 문장을 연결할 때는 접속사 (and,but,or,so,for,that,because,though…)를 쓰든가 semicolon 을 연결해서 쓰면 된다.
위의 공식을 찬찬히 읽고 이해해 보자.
Grammar Points : Sameness and Similarity
wrong : I would like to have an apartment as the one my friend has.
right : I would like to have an apartment like the one my friend has.
wrong : Their backyard is as beautiful like a picture.
right : Their backyard is as beautiful as a picture.
wrong : He looks as like grandmother.
right : He looks like his grandmother.
wrong : This book is the same long as that one.
right : This book is as long as that one.
wrong : John is as tall than Bob.
right : John is as tall as Bob.
wrong : Mike's eyes are the same color that mine.
right : Mike's eyes are the same color as mine.
wrong : Her job pays the same salary like mine.
right : Her job pays the same salary as mine.
Vocabs : verbs
△잡다/체포하다 (catch,capture,arrest,apprehend,trap,bag) △정다워하다/사랑하다 (hug,pet,neck,smooch,cuddle,caress,fondle) △사람이나 물건이 공간적 이동하다(carry,bring,take,convey,bear,transport) △전환/변화하다(change,alter,convert,modify,transform,transmute,transfigure,transgrify) △수다떨다/재잘거리다 (yak,babble,chatter,gibber,jobber,prattle) △기만하다/사기치다(victimize,con,swindle,fleece,cheat) △격려하다(cheer,encourage,warm,exhilarate,gladden) △고르다(choose,select,pick,elect) △(둘러)싸다/감싸다(bound,encompass,surround,enclose,circumscribe) △(증거따위)인용하다/제시하다(cite, efer,quote,adduce)
그러면 아래의 리딩 지문에서 포인트만 뽑는 연습을 해보자.
Integrated Essay는 200자 에세이임을 감안해서 reading 지문에서는 6줄 정도만 쓸 유용한 정보만 뽑아서 쓰면 된다.
아래지문의 모범 요약은 다음호에 계속 연재되니 본인의 요약과 비교해보자.
그리고 다시 한번 말하지만 Integrate Essay의 특성상 reading과 listening 지문과 script가 필요한데 시중의 여러 책에서 발췌하고 있다.
책 제목을 항상 밝히지만 그 책이 반드시 추천할 만큼 훌륭한 책은 아니라는 점을 밝힌다.
One of the most respected followers of Confucius,Meng Tzu,had a significant impact on Confucian thought.
His main contribution was the influence he tried to have on the rulers of his day.
Although he had limited success in bringing about change,he gained the title of 'Second Sage' in China.
Meng Tze ( or Mencius,his Anglicized name) believed that all people are good by nature.
He argued that it was their environment that made people bad.
He decided that this innate goodness had two qualities which he called Humanity and Justice.
By Humanity,he meant the love for one's fellow man.
Justice had to do with the ability to judge right from wrong.
For Meng Tzu,what was most important was obedience to moral law.
Meng Tzu spent most of his life trying to persuade governments to put the interests of people before those of rulers.
He felt that a ruler who neglects his people is not a true ruler,and what is more,he will deserve the inevitable revolt of his people.
Meng Tzu even tried to persuade feuding rulers to use wisdom and benevolence instead of military means to settle their differences.
At the core of Meng Tzu's philosophy is the concept of compassion.
Through compassion for every living being,he believed the essential goodness of human nature can be nurtured to achieve social and political harmony.
Armed with this basic premise,he fought for the disintegration of the feudal system in China. (Longman iBT, "General Course for the TOEFL Writing")
THE대치어학원 원장 uviclove@yahoo.com
▶ 이블린 킴 <Evelyn Kim>
△ University of Victoria(Applied Linguistics,English Literature) 졸업
△ English Language Art 대학원수료
△ TESL(Teaching English as Second Language)
△ TEFL(Teaching English as Foreign Language)
△ University of Victoria TOEFL강의
△ 캐나다 영어 교사 자격증 취득
△ 前압구정 정보학원 iBT토플팀장
△ 現대치어학원 원장