![[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Integrate Essay②-You Can Fight It Off!](https://img.hankyung.com/photo/200810/2008101532031_2008101700421.jpg)
Integrate Essay는 reading 지문과 listening 지문을 객관적인 목소리를 유지하면서 200자로 쓰는 것이다.
즉 객관적으로 본인의 의견을 전혀 넣지 않고 읽고 들은 것을 짧게 요약해서 쓰는 것이다.
본인은 객관적으로 썼다고 생각하지만 채점자가 보기에 주관적인 에세이가 될 수도 있으니 주의한다.
지난 시간에 reading 지문을 요약해보았다.
이번 호에서는 Listening 지문을 요약해보고 각각의 요약을 하나의 Integrate Essay로 만들어보자.
Grammar ; Hyphenated or Compound Adjectives
wrong ; I lived in a two-hundred-years-old house in Rome.
right ; I lived in a two-hundred-year-old house in Rome.
wrong ; He bought a three-hundred-dollars suit.
right ; He bought a three-hundred-dollar suit.
wrong ; The teacher told us to read the five -hundred- pages book.
right ; The teacher told us to read the five-hundred-page book.
wrong ; I have four fifty-minutes classes every day.
right ; I have four fifty-minute classes every day.
wrong ; She has just bought a new four-doors Ford.
right ; She has just bought a new four-door Fords.
Vocabs ; Verbs
△구부리다/비틀다 (turn,bend,lean,twist) △긴장/당황해서 얼굴이 붉어지다 (blush,radden,flush,color) △자랑하다/기쁘다 (pride,boast,brag,crow,strut,vaunt) △요리해서 익히다 (boil,fry,stew,simmer,poach,saute,pan-broil, braise) △괴롭히다 (bother,disturbe,harass,worry,trouble,plague,pester) △물건(공 같은 것)이 튀어오르다 (bounce,deflect,carom,ricochet) △휘두르다 (swing,wield,flourish, brandish) △파괴하다 /헤치다 (break,crack,smash,crush,siver,shatter,fracture) △(구조물 따위) 건설하다 (build,construct,erect,fabricate) △불/열 따위로 변화시키다 (burn,sear,scorch,char,brand,cauterize,singe)
Listening 지문 ;
Professor ; What is the world's greatest challenge?
I'd like to suggest that it's ridding the developing countries of poverty.
Granted,it is a considerable challenge,but the truth is there are known,reliable,suitable technologies available to achieve that goal at relatively low cost.
The needs of the extreme poor are comparatively simple and inexpensive ; clean water,safe shelter,adequate nutrition,health care and education.
Let's look at the realities for half the world's population.
They live in geographically isolated regions of the world,far from government concern.
For the most part,they farm tiny plots of land that are often too small to support their families,that are too overworked to offer adequate yields,and that are frequently subject to drought.
The typical farmer is a grandmother supporting orphaned grandchildren who much carry water from a distant stand pipe or stream before going to an overcrowded school.
Her limited funds don't cover the cost of fertilizer or anti-malaria nets,shoes or warm clothes.
The lack of proper sanitation,inoculation and other disease prevention,and adequate nutrition have meant that whole,generations of young people grow up too weak to farm successfully or to achieve significant economic progress.
What would it be like for the extremely poor if they were to gain the means to reach even the level of moderate poverty?
For a mere $1 or $2 per day,villagers in Africa could afford better food,water,and shelter.
For a little more money,they can have adequate sanitation,elementary education and access to transportation.
The main difference would be in the mortality rate.
More children survive and grow up strong enough to work and learn.
그러면 지난 호에서 reading을 summary한 것처럼 이번 호에서는 Listening part를 찬찬히 요약해보자.
아래는 모범 요약이니 본인의 요약과 비교해 보는 것도 중요하다.
요약이라는 것은 중요한 포인트, 즉 글쓴이의 주장하는 바를 자세한 예를 일일이 들지 않고 짧게 요약하는 것임을 항상 명심한다.
일단 paragraph마다 각각 따로 요약해보는 연습을 하고 난 다음 listening 전체의 요약을 해보자.
paragraph 1 ; 절대 빈곤 퇴치는 가능하다.
paragraph 2 ;절대 빈곤자들의 고통
paragraph 3 ;조금의 도움으로 절대 빈곤층에서 moderate 빈곤층으로 이동 가능
Listening Summary ;
Contrary to the point from the reading,the professor from the listening insists that poverty,admitting its being one of the toughest problems to be resolved,can be solved easily with the help of advanced technology and care from the people concerned.
By explaining the difficulties from which those people who are suffering,the speaker especially emphasizes that only,the extremely poor can reach to moderate poverty level with only one or two dollars.
They are going to have an access to clean water,nutritiously balanced food,and shelter.
그러면 reading 과 listening에 대한 요약을 하나로 묶고 거기에 아주 간단한 서론과 결론을 덧붙이면 Integrate Essay가 완성된다.
Since poverty is such an abject tragedy,people are trying to resolve it once and for all.
Two experts share different opinions and solutions toward it.
Despite all the efforts from the world,some countries still suffer from poverty.
Poverty is divided into three categories and the writer explains them thoroughly.
Extreme poverty is described as a situation in which a household cannot meet any basic needs for survival.
People in this situation do not have any access to a shelter,medicine,and education.
Moderate poverty is also defined as a situation where people earn no more than one or two dollars a day and barely support themselves.
They suffer from not having any access to clean water,medical care,and education.
These people do not have any ability to buy necessities to lead a 'normal' life.
Contrary to the point from the reading,the professor from the listening insists that poverty,admitting its being one of the toughest problems to be resolved,can be solved easily with the help of advanced technology and care from the people concerned.
By explaining the difficulties from which those people who are suffering,the speaker especially emphasizes that only,the extremely poor can reach to moderate poverty level with only one or two dollars.
They are going to have an access to clean water,nutritiously balanced food,and shelter.
Poverty is seriously discussed in the text and the two clearly share the different opinions.