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    What The flood of Immigrants Necessitates

    Biden last week issued an executive order that restricts asylum seekers from entering the United States, drawing both liberal and conservative scrutiny. This ongoing immigration debate is underscored by recent incidents, such as the tragic death of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, which spotlight the larger debate over the immigration policy.The surge has been linked to the support of cartel operations, facilitating human and drug trafficking across the Mexico-US border. Criminal cartels exploit the open border, amassing significant revenues through the trafficking fees, estimated at up to $30 million annually by the CBP.Cities and states are burdened with the escalating costs of accommodating migrants, from homelessness to strained school systems. Instances like New York City’s struggle to house migrants amidst an existing homeless crisis illustrate the strain on local infrastructure and taxpayer funds.Addressing these complex issues requires a shift from short-term political fixes to long-term, evidence-based solutions. Public safety concerns, economic impacts, and resource allocation must be balanced with humanitarian considerations. Effective immigration policies should prioritize both national security and community well-being.최선호 생글기자 (청심국제고 3학년)